chapter 16... Dakies! Voiceless!

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I am going to text all of my friends and tell them I'm going somewhere, I'll tell them all different locations, first off Austin.

Me: hey what's up? Its been a while

Austin: yeah, how have you been?

Me: great and you

Austin: same, what are you up to?

Me: nothing much, I'm going to the swimming pool today.

Austin: you're not going to work?🤔🤔

Me: no I'm on my day off😎😍😍😍

Austin: okay good.

Me: but I'm scared of something especially since, I'm going alone😖😖

Austin: what?

Me: let me not bother you about it, where are you right now.

Austin: I'm at work.

Me: okay

Austin: tell me what is scaring you, I promise its no bother.

Me: okay, I'm scared Mr Dario will come to hurt me, that's the perfect opportunity for him to hurt me.

Austin: you are right but don't worry, he won't get you, you should go in the evening.

Me: but there will be less people there.

Austin: its fine if you don't want to go in the evening, its no problem.

Me: okay, let's talk later.

Austin: okay, bye.

Why did he tell me to go there in the evening? Austin I truly hope you are not the mole.

I messaged Dinela up, I didn't know which place to tell her so I told her also swimming pool, she said not to go anywhere that Dario could strike anytime so I'm sure it's not her, Alero told me the same thing but Austin.... I still don't want to believe it, no need to jump into conclusion.

For now I need to rest, my head ache is getting worst, I slept peacefully fortunately for me.

"Wake up honey." I heard mom say as I stirred in my sleep.

"You've slept for so long, its 1:00pm." I jolted awake as I heard that, I wanted to speak but then I realised I shouldn't.

"You are finally up, freshen up and come help me with lunch." Mom said and left.

I got out of bed slowly and I changed out of my clothes and used the bathroom, I joined mom in the kitchen afterwards.

"What are you making?" I asked and mom froze.

"What did you say?" She asked surprised looking right at me.

"What! I said what are you making for lunch?" I repeated and her jaw hung open like that of a hippo.

"You ju-s-s-t s-p-oke..." She stuttered, that when I realised I'm supposed to not say anything for today so my throat gets better nd my voice comes back, but my throat didn't hurt when I spoke and my voice was clear.

"Your lips didn't move when you spoke Axymah!!!!" Mom yelled, she had a concerned and horrified look on her face that's when I realised my voice wasn't shaky, low and hoarse and also my throat didn't hurt when I spoke that's because I didn't use my throat to speak or move my lips.

"Mom!" I said scared again not moving my lips neither was I making any sound using my throat.

"How are you doing that baby? Or is this a prank? If it is stop, it's not funny" Mom asked.

I shook my head, "I am not pranking you, I promise, I don't know how I am communicating without my using my throat, without making any sound." I said yet again lips zipped, throats not producing any sound.

"Maybe I should call the doctor." Mom suggested and went to the dining to grab her phone completely forgetting the lunch that was on the gas, that will burn anytime soon.

"I think you should not." Mavery said out of no where, she was standing five feet away from the dining table.

"How did you?....." Mom started but couldn't complete her sentence, I worry about her and her unborn baby.

"No one must know about this, if anyone especially doctors find out about this, they will take her away and experiment on her, use her as a lab rat, is that what you want?" Mavery said and mom carefully sat on the dining chair trying to understand what is going on right now, even I want to know what's going on, how can I do this? How is doing this even possible?

"Just stay calm, until her throat us better she will communicate like this willingly or not, her voice will be back by tomorrow, she should learn to control her abilities." Mavery said, all I could do was just stand and stare.

"First of all you need answers Axymah and catching that mole yourself is the beginning of that, Axymah you have the ability of a Dakies meaning you can communicate through taenisa, whenever you loose your voice but you can control it, I advise no one knows about it, if not your life will take a turn from crazy to lab rat." She said and I nodded, mom looked up and smiled then frowned.

"Is Axymah a Dakies?" She asked out of the blue.

"No she is not."

"Then how come?..."

"You will get all your questions answered soon enough but first one thing at a time, keep this a secret, no one must find out, not your husband, your friends, no one, got it?"

"Yes." Mom said while I nodded.
My feelings about this is actually numb because right now, I can't comprehend what's going on, I don't know how to feel about this or what to feel about it, I just stood there and stared, no movement or anything from me, I don't know what's going on in my life anymore.

I smelt smoke but couldn't go see what was smoking, Mavery smelt it too, mom did too and they ran to the kitchen but I just stood there, as I heard wailing and screams.

"Get the fire extinguisher!!!" Someone yelled, my vision got blurry, I saw stars then everything went dark.

"Axymah!!!!" That was the last thing I heard before I collapsed.

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