chapter 2... Resentment

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My alarm soon went off, its 6:00am already, time sure flies when you are having fun or doing something interesting. I got up and changed the sheets after which I went to the bathroom to do my business and shower. I finished and dried myself up with my towel then put on body lotion and wore a red bra and matching panties, its another day of work for me, I dread Mondays, things never seem to go right for me on Mondays.

I picked out a knee length black pencil skirt and a white shirt and a black office jacket with black six inches high heel, this is my usual Monday dressing code and this time I made sure to button up properly, I definitely do not want a repeat of last week Monday's event.


The office phone on my desk rang, its probably a call from the CEO Mr Bullard

"Miss Axymah, the documents I asked you to work on please bring them to my office right now." It was a call from him I was right.

"Okay." I hung up and gathered all the documents I took it to his office when I got there he was not on seat I decided to leave it on his desk so he'll see them when he gets back. But these are important documents what if it gets stolen? No one would dare still from his office, he is feared by all his staffs, I decided to leave it there and go back to my office which is on the same floor as his.

After I got to my office about seven minutes later my office phone rang again, I picked and Mr Bullard yelled into the phone hurting my ears.

"Miss Axymah do you want to get fired?!!!"

"No sir."

"Come into my office right now!!"

I wondered what the problem was and rushed to his office.

"Why did you leave such important documents on my desk? Someone could stumble upon it and steal it."

"You were not on seat and—"

"Could you not wait for me to get back?" He interrupted.


"You are lucky the documents didn't go missing."

"Pass me the documents over there." He ordered rudely, he has absolutely no respect for his staffs. I went to get him the documents and bent over to get it, apparently my ass my facing directly to his face.

"What are you doing?!!!" He asked with his voice raised.

"I'm getting the files you ask me to get you." I didn't even know that my ass was facing his head.

"Two companies have applied for this new contract give the one you think will undergo the contract very well."

"Okay sir, I need your signature on it."

"Get me a pen."

I hunched over him to get the pen and my shirt unbuttoned in the process exposing the top of my breasts, I was about to take the pen from his desk before he pushed me away with so much force that I almost fell.

"You are a shameless woman, you are trying to seduce me with all your glory but I will not give in to the devil, do you not know that your body is the temple of God. For shame woman, for Shame."

"How am I trying to seduce you? Besides how will you pray to God without entering his temple, you will at some point" okay so that was a very wrong choice of word.

"First you put your ass in my face now you want to put your mangoes too, your shirt is unbuttoned and you're saying filthy things to me, you lack good mannerism and value." My face turned red as I tried to button it.

Days After (Book 2 Of The BDA Series) COMPLETEDWhere stories live. Discover now