Chapter 49....Sorrow of the myth.

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"One!" Mom, dad and I placed our hands on the knife in the cake as everyone started counting down.


"Three!!" And like that we cut the cake, everyone clapped their hands together, food was already shared but others that wanted more and those that are yet to eat asked for food and were given including myself and my friends.

"This fried rice is delicious." Dinela praised as she put another spoon in her mouth.

"I know right, the chicken is my favorite, its so tender and delicious, hmm." She moaned in delight.

"You two are right, this is really good food, I hope there are foods like this there."

"There better be." Alero said as o gulped down my glass of non alcoholic wine.

"The sun is setting." Dinela said through a mouth full of food. I looked at the sky and saw she was right.

"We need to get to the hill fast." I said as I cleaned my mouth and got up.

"I'm not done eating yet." She moaned.

"Food is not important right now, let's go." I said as I scanned the crowd for mom, finally found her I got up and went to meet her.

"We're leaving." I whispered in her ear, the smile on her face faded but she quickly replaced it with a fake smile.

"Okay dear, take care, here have this," she handed me a bottle of perfume"as you can see it's a bottle of perfume, its so good it can mask any scent, and the best part of it is that it can't ever finish." She said with a smile.

"That's an exaggeration." One of her friend said.

"No it's not, go and be safe please." She whispered and I went back to meet my two friends, I spotted dad and I waved at him from where I was, he gave me a sad smile and a nod.

"Come on hurry." I saw Dinela stuffing three plastic containers, containing food inside our ancient handbag, I took it from her as she was done and put the perfume inside.

"Let's go!!" Alero said. We were on our way until Dinela's mom stopped her.

"Where are you going?" I heard her ask.

"You ladies should go I'll catch up."

"Go where? We are about to take pictures, come on let's go, and what's that you're carrying? Put it away."

"Okay." I did as though I wanted to put it was but as soon as she turned back I took it back, we rushed to where we'll take the pictures.

I took three personal ones, mom was holding onto the handbag, she passed it to Dinela when I had to take two pictures with both her and dad, Alero passed it back to her when we wanted to take a trio picture, a picture of just the three of us, mom handed it back to me and I had to the the last picture with it, then we took some family and friends picture.

One containing Dinela's parent, Alero's parent, mom and dad, my mom's best friends and dad's closet friend, then Dinela and Alero took personal ones and some with both her parent, there is no way we are getting away from this
So we lied we had to go to the bathroom and that's how we escaped from the party, but Dinela's mom called her.

"Come take a picture with your dad and I." Her mom said.

"But I want to go use the bathroom."

"First take the pictures and you can go."

"You ladies should go I'll join you." Alero and I both ran to the hill, the sun is almost down, what we need is the last ray of sun, I brought out the ring from the bag, ready to hold it up.

Days After (Book 2 Of The BDA Series) COMPLETEDWhere stories live. Discover now