chapter 4... Laugh out loud

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I passed out orders and instruction before I left work, I'm on my way to the hospital now.

   Forty minutes later.

I reached the hospital and I called my dad.

"Hello, I'm in the parking lot of the hospital."

"Mom is in the room on the second floor to the right, I'll wait outside the room for you."

"Okay, I'll be right up." I got out of my car and into the hospital, I followed the direction he gave me and I was standing outside the room in a jiff with my dad.

"Can I go in?"


I went in and at the same time prayed her baby is alright, despite knowing my prayers are almost never answered, I took in her sight she has a few bruises on her face and arms she is asleep.

"Mom?" I called out gently and she stirred a bit before opening her eyes.

"Sweetheart, you are here I have been waiting for you, what took you so long?"

"There was a major traffic on the road and my boss was giving me a really hard time, I'm sorry."

"Its okay, you are here now that's what matters."

"How are you both feeling?" I asked hoping her baby is still in her she is pregnant at the age of fourth three, that's a miracle.

"We are both fine." She said with a small smile and I breathe out in relief.

"Thank goodness, if anything had happened to it I would have felt really guilty."

"Why? You weren't the one that attacked me and you had no idea about it."

"True but its Dario that attacked you he did that to hurt me so if anything had happened to it then..."

"Don't beat yourself up about it okay? We are both alright."

"Okay, I'm glad about that how did he attack you in the first place, where were you at that time?"

"Leave the questioning to us." Mr Akhila said as he walked into the room with my dad and one other officer.

"Good day Mr Akhila." Mom greeted

"How are you fairing?"

"Very well thank you."

"Mrs Issah if you don't mind can we ask you a few questions."

"Sure, I don't mind."

"Please tell us all that happened and how it happened also where it happened."

"I was cutting and eating fruits in the kitchen when I heard a knock on the front door I left what I was doing and went to open the door, I asked who it was but no one answered for about a minute or two, then the person said he has a pizza delivery but I didn't order any pizza after a while I didn't hear the person say anything then I remembered I left the back door unlocked.


I went to lock the back door but Mr Dario was standing in the middle of the kitchen with a huge sharp knife.

"We meet again Amira." He said with a wicked smile.

"Get out of my house!!" I yelled as I began to panic.

"Why? But I just got here."

"I heard you are pregnant congratulations, it's a miracle you are pregnancy I want to see for myself if that child is a normal one."

"Excuse me, my unborn child is normal."

"I will tear open your stomach and take a look."

"You are a psycho!! you need psychiatric treatment."

"Ouch, by the time I'm done with you you will never want to have another child ever again, you better run."

I didn't need him to say it twice, I dashed from the kitchen I looked back and saw him right on my tail the front door was locked before I'll open it he would have gotten to me so instead I ran up the stairs and entered the room and locked the door behind me.

"Come out!! Come out where ever you are!!", he taunted, " you can run but you can't hide Amira." I was terrified out of my mind, he wanted to kill my unborn baby I was so overwhelmed I began to cry soon he started to break down the door to the room I was hiding in I crawled to the closet so I could hide there as I closed the closet he successfully broke down the door and walked in quietly.

"So you want to play hide and seek? I wonder how long you will stay in there for till you run out of air."

I quickly tried to open the closet door but he had already locked me in it, I was going to suffocate.

"I hope you rot in hell after you die, stupid bitch."

I banged on the door and yelled for help but as I was alone at home nobody was there to save me slowly I started to run out of oxygen, I was this close to passing out when I heard someone open the room door.

"Honey? Honey? Where are you?" My husband called out to me, when I heard his calls I hit the closet door to get his attention, I couldn't speak because of the little to no oxygen.

"Who is in there?" He asked a bit panicked.

"Help." Was all I was able to say before I blacked out.

End of flashback.

"How did he know you are pregnant?" Mr Akhila asked curious.

"I don't know."

"Who did you tell?"

"Only my daughter and my husband know about it."

"Axymah did you tell anyone?" She asked.


"Hey Azyma, what's up?"

"I'm cool and you?"

"Same, what are you doing here?"

"Just want to grab a doughnut and coffee to go, you seem to be in a Merry mood what's the good news."

"I'll tell you since you asked, my mom is pregnant." I said with a glowing bright smile."

"Really? Wow at her age?! That's a miracle."

"Yeah, I know."

"Congratulations, you will have a kid bro or sis soon."

"Yeah, I'm actually really excited I've always wanted one of those annoying things."

"Laugh out loud."

"I have to be on my way, later."

"Take care."


End of flashback.

"No, I didn't tell anyone." I can't have the police messing this up, I need to get to the bottom of this.

"Thanks for your time Mrs Amira, for now please make sure that you are never alone and please make sure to always lock the doors, have a nice evening." He said then left. We heard the door open and the person that walked through the door was someone I never thought I would see again.


who do you think it is?😌😌😌

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Days After (Book 2 Of The BDA Series) COMPLETEDDove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora