chapter 13... who are you?

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"Dinela is waiting outside, hurry."

"Okay mom, later."

"Be safe." She said and I went out the front door and entered Alero's car, I totally forgot to message Mr Bullard, I'll do that now.

Me: I just arrived at Botswana will lodge at a hotel and go to Amber spark company.

Mr Bull: okay.

If he knows I saved his name as bull, off my head it is, I really don't enjoy lying to him but what can I do? I don't really have a choice here.

"Metro Puritan school here we come." She hollered, we got there a couple of minutes later.

"Looks just as I remembered."

"Let's go in." We got out of the car and into the school, security was not tight at all we were allowed in without much as a simple question.

"What do we do from here?" Dinela asked as we stood in not too far from the woman at the desk, her head was buried in her work, I remember her name is Mrs Hakirah Baidah, I have a good memory.

"We'll just walk past her, be casual."
We started walking, I walked in front of Dinela, Mrs Hakirah didn't see me but she saw Dinela, we were busted.

"Who are you?" She said to Dinela, I was already on the staircase while Dinela was still at the bottom so I am safe from her sight, I motioned for Dinela to go and mouthed go stall, I'll hurry, she nodded and went to Mrs Hakirah.
I quickly ran up the stairs but quietly as Dinela handled her, I knew my way round this school before but now I don't know if I can recall much but I'll try, I paraded around wasting precious time unable to find the principal's office so I decided to ask a student that was in the hallway, it will soon be filled with students, I have to hurry.

"Hey please where is the principal's office?"

"Its on the other side of the school, go to the end of this floor you'll see a staircase down, climb it and you'll see a door, climb the first stairs up it will take you to the second floor and that's where the principal's office is."

"Okay thank you." I never knew that there was a other side of school, I followed the direction I was given and entered a hallway with two doors which one is the principal's office? I peeped through the windows of the first door but no one was in it but the second door the school principal was seating proudly in it, how do I lure her out? I have an idea, I went to the second door and opened it then slammed it shut that should lure the principal out then I went to hide at one corner.

The principal came out and entered the second door, I used that opportunity to enter into the principal's office, there was a bunch of files on her table, I have to look for the file that has all the staff's information even the one's that were not there, I started looking but couldn't find it, I heard the other door close, the principal is out, oh no, I quickly his under her desk, she entered the office and sat back down, I am in big trouble.

How do I escape from this? Under saw a coin under the table and threw it at the window to divert her attention, it worked like a charm, she stood up and went to take a look I took that chance and ran out the door quietly but not too quiet as she spotted me.

"Who are you and what are you doing in my office?" She asked, I just smiled at her unable to answer her question then I left the office hurriedly.

"Stop!!! Security!!!" She yelled after me, this is not good.
I out run her easily as she was not very fit, I got to the front desk and I saw Dinela was in a puddle, I dragged her and ran out, from the corner of my eyes I saw the woman call someone, probably the security.
     We ran to the parking lot and rushed into the car, we were about to leave the school when security stopped us.

"What are you doing here and who are you?" I am starting to hate that question.

"Raise the bar let us leave." Dinela commanded.

"Open your car trunk." We did as he said, he checked the trunk and found nothing.

"You are clean but you still have to say what and why you are here."

"We don't have time for this." Dinela said, she reversed the car and drove right through the pole and drove away, In attempt to escape we took a wrong turn and we kept going straight, we were so terrified we didn't even know we were going the wrong way for about an hour.



"This road doesn't look like the one you'll pass to my house."

"What do you mean?" She said and I opened my map and checked our location.

"Dinela where have you brought us?"


"We have passed Gwarimpa we are already leaving Abuja, we just entered lokoja."

"Haa, no wonder, I was looking that have we not reached your house yet."

"Turn the car back around let's go home."

"Okay." She turned around and we drove back home, we entered my house looking like ghosts, we saw my parents in the living room with a woman.

"Hey girls, come in here." Mom said to us, we entered the living room and took our sit.

"Girls this is Mrs Mavery she is our new Neighbour." As soon as my mom said that I felt all air sucked out if me, the woman we have been looking for is sitting right in front of us.

"You are Mavery?" Dinela asked in surprise and she nodded with a smile.

"Mavery this is my daughter Axymah and her friend Dinela."

"Nice to meet you ladies." She said but we couldn't say anything but nod our heads like agama lizard.

Now that they have found her what next🤔🤔🤔

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