Chapter 39..... Bel Is Gone.

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I carefully and slowly move my body, shifting further away from the tiger till I was out of the small space. Thank God.
I got up and saw Bel sitting on a bench wearing a life jacket.

"Are you alright?"

"I should be asking you that, Are you okay?"

"Yes I'm fine, who is he?" I look at the short Buffon staring at me paddling our canoe, no sorry, boat.

"I'm Jeff, your captain."

"I'm Axymah."

"Yeah I know, canvas filled me in on that."


"So why were you being chased by a cop?" He asked with an amused expression.

"Its a long story."

"The woman sitting behind the counter in the hotel we were in thought she kidnapped me and called the cops, that's why." Bel explained.

"That about sums it up." So she knew, wow.

"You could have just told them that you are not kidnapping her or better still lied to her that she is your kid."

"I wasn't with her when I lodged in the hotel."

"Yeah you co—"

"Enough questions please, I'm exhausted." I cut him off.

"Here," he threw a life jacket at me "put it on." I did so and took a sit next to Bel.

"How long till we reach river Niger?"

"Three or four nights."

"What!!!! You've got to be kidding me."

"Nope I'm not." What now?

"Can you paddle any faster?"

"It's not as easy as it looks, quite difficult actually, why don't you grab the other paddling stick and join me, it'll be more faster that way?"

"No thanks, do your thing."

"Bitch." I heard him murmur.

"What was that?"

"Nothing." Liar, the bastard just called me a bitch.


"Hi." Bel said ever so quietly.

"How are you doing?"

"Can I have my doll?" She completely ignored my question, who does that?

"Yes, of course." I reached for one of nylons and took out one of the two dolls I bought.


"Open it." She said in a 'duh' tone.

"Sure." I opened it and handed it to her, she played with it while I just stared in space while Jeff kept doing his thing.

Ten hours later.

Bel is sleeping soundly clutching her doll, two more days and we'll be home.

"Time to hit the hay," Jeff said with a deep sigh as he put down his paddle and laid down "you should go to sleep too, you look exhausted."

"I will."
Thankfully I've never had to really deal with insomnia, it's been a while I heard from my parents, I should give them a call, I brought out my phone, damn it, no service.

I wondered around on the boat a bit hoping to find service but still nothing, its past 10:00pm now, the night is quiet and soft, the breeze is cool, wind brushes gently against my skin making me shiver a bit.
The stars shine bright in the sky, twinkling and smiling down at me, I smile back feeling a sense of peace, I closed my eyes and darkness consumed me but not for long.

Days After (Book 2 Of The BDA Series) COMPLETEDTahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon