Chapter 45....Golden mountain.

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"What took you guys so long?" I scowled at them.

"So sorry, but why did you ask us to meet you there and whose house was that?" Dinela asked with a thoughtful look.

"That was Mavery's house, I went to tell her that I'm going to go on the journey."

"What?!!", Alero yelped " Azyma are you for real right now or you are messing with us, please tell me you're just joking, you know...pulling our legs." She said with a nervous chuckle and a frown followed.

"Lower your voice and no I'm not pulling your legs neither am I joking, this is serious business, I'm for real."

"What!" Alero whisper-yell.

"Let her speak." Dinela said with a happy expression, she always loved going on adventures and trying new things.

"She told me everything I needed to know and gave me a few things that will help me on my journey." I told them motioning to the ancient looking handbag on my bed.

"Okay....." Dinela said, I'm sure she can't wait to hear what Mavery said.


"Fine then.....come with me."

"Okay." I walked with her to what she said was the dining.

"To erase your name from the book of death you need three things which are, a key, and the sacred seal, that seal serves as an eraser, that's what you'll use to erase your name from the book."


"To get to the land of myth, you'll have to use this ring and say some words," she brought out a purple ring with white stripes and held it in front of me "shantra mana weig, which translates to, take me to the world unknown and unseen, after you say this words a purple mist will appear and transport you to the land of myth and to leave the land of myth you have to say the words backwards, giew anam artnash, it simply means the opposite of the first words."

"Okay...." She handed the ring to me.

"When you get to the land of myth, you must find the golden mountain, in there you'll find the book of death but before that you must pass a test that'll proof you're worthy of a second chance at life, if you pass the test then Asuka will give you the sacred seal and then you can proceed in erasing your name from the book of death."

"How do I do that? And who will I prove it to?"

"That is a question only you can answer and you'll prove it to the guardian of the mountain, Asuka."


"Asuka is a spirit that lives in the golden mountain and protects the book of death, you'll face lots of difficulties as you get there and even more as you get closer to it," shit just got real "you must pass Aliva, Aliva is a village called the sea in the sky, there is where the most cunning of all creatures, you must be wary, and keep all your valuables well, never discuss or even mention you have any kind of artifact or powerful object with you if not they will steal it from you, if you're not careful they will steal even you and you won't know it until it is too late."

"Got it, why is it called the sea in the sky." I'm so scared right now.

"You'll know once you're there, be vigilant at all times, never let your guard down, let your brain do the thinking."


"After you pass it, you must go through the valley of imagination."

"Why do they call it that?"

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