chapter 14... Painful Scars

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"The woman we have been looking for is like just sitting here right in front of us." Dinela said in a whisper.

"I know why you have been looking for me." Mavery said getting all of our attention.

"You do?" I asked surprised.

"Yes, I need to talk to you in private Axymah." She said and we all shared glances at each other.

"Okay, let's go to the kitchen." We went to the kitchen and she started talking gibberish.

"I know why you have been looking for me, but before I can help you with anything first you have to find the person that is helping Dario."

"How do I do that?"

"You don't need to go far in searching for the person, the person is in your midst, one of your friends." She said and looked deep into my eyes.

"What!! None of my friends would snitch on me, that's why they are my friends, they have got my back."

"This is about your life not mine, it's you Dario is after not me, there is a mole out of your friends and you need to fish the person out."

"What do I have to do? How do I find out who is betraying me?"

"Here is the plan."


She finished telling me how we can catch the mole and we joined the others, my mom offered biscuits and juice.

"Its nice knowing you're our neighbour." Mom said to Mavery and I smiled, its probably so we won't have to go far to look for her.

"I should go now." Mavery said and got up from the couch.

"Let's escort you out." My mom and dad escorted Mavery out while Dinela and I went to my room to gossip.

"So what did she tell you?" Dinela asked as soon as we settled in my room, I decided not to disclose what she told me to anyone till I have found the cold hearted person helping Dario.

"I didn't really understand her, she was speaking in parables, I wonder what's so special about her." I said trying to change the topic.

"Yeah me too anyways let me start going, later babe."

"Yeah bye." I really hope the mole is not Dinela, both of us have really gotten close over the years, I escorted her outside and waved her goodbye, my parents came into the house and I shut the door.

"What took you guys so..." I could not finish my sentence as my scar started paining me, the pain was so intense, it was worst than the last, I couldn't hold in my scream.
I screamed so loud I'm sure It could be heard from miles away.

"Sorry it will go, it always does." Mom said not knowing what to do and so did my dad, he looked so helpless.
I felt as though my whole body was set on fire, I was sweating and the pain entered my whole body, I kept screaming out in pain as it got worse and finally it stopped, I felt like cold water was poured all over my form quenching the blazing fire that was burning me, I felt so relieved as I took deep breathes, just then Mrs Mavery ran in frantically.

"What happened, what was that scream?" She asked with wide eyes.

"It was nothing I saw a bug, I hate bugs." Mom lied. I don't know if Mrs Mavery believed mom's lie or not, I just watched her expression from the ground, her eyes caught mine and she looked at me from head to toe.

"Why are you sweating so much and breathing heavily and lastly why are you on the floor?" She asked.

"Just working out." I said breathless, it's hard for me to lie, every time I did its as though my past will just jump out and hurt me.
She looked like she had no choice than to believe us.

"Okay then, goodnight again."

"Bye." I got off the floor and dad locked the door, mom helped me to my room.

"Dear you are really burning up." Mom said with her eyebrows furrowed, that happens when she is really concerned about something.
I guess my temperature is still high from all that, there was no fire but I felt it, it was burning my every being, I even forgot to breathe due to the massive pain I was in.

"Mom I'm fine." I told her but she didn't want to hear it, she soaked a towel in cool water and placed it on my forehead, she is so caring, I love her so much unlike my useless so called biological mom.

"I'm tired." I told her as I couldn't move, literarily I just laid there, my joints hurts and so did my head.

"Anyone would be after that fit, I worry about your throat, if you scream too hard.... We will have go to the hospital to ask why your scars that are healed are causing you so much pain."

"Its no use, mom? raise my top up I want to see it." She did just that and handed me a mirror, her shocked expression told me everything, the scars were even deeper than before, I wondered how that's possible. I wanted to change the topic as my mom dropped my top.

"Mom Mrs Mavery said there is a mole out of my friends and they are working with Mr Dario but don't worry we will catch them."

"How?" Mom asked as curiosity consumed her.

"Don't you worry about that, dad?" I told her and faced my dad.

"Yes sweetheart."

"Please take mom to her room, I want her and my unborn sibling to have a goodnight rest."

"Sure thing, come honey, let's go to bed." He said calmly and grabbed her hand, Mom gave me a goodnight kiss as her and dad went to their room shutting my room door behind them, I am so exhausted I had absolutely no problem shutting my eyes and slipped off to dreamland but unfortunately my dreamland is filled with torture, pain, suffering and hatred.

I started jogging the rest of the way home. When I got home I was immediately pushed against the wall. "Why are you home late?" My stepped yelled at me with so much hate.

"I am sorry." Was all I was able to mumble out.

"So you now have a boyfriend and you have new friends now do you not?"

"No I do not have any friends and I definitely do not have a boyfriend." I chocked out.

"Do not lie to me." He pushed me harder against the wall causing my chest to hurt, I could not breathe.

"I can not breathe."

"like I f**king care."

"Please let me go."

He dropped me hard on the floor, from the corner of my eyes I saw empty bottle of stout and vodka on the coffee table.

Oh no, he has been drinking. "Please you are not thinking straight, you are not in your right senses right now."

"Are you trying to tell me that I am crazy, that I am out of my mind."

"That is what you are saying right, you killed your own mother, you took her life!"

"You are a murderer and you are telling me I am not in my right senses, you killed your own mother, you are the one that is not in the right sense."

"No I am not!! I did not kill her!! She died in a car crash." I tried to yell as he dropped me harshly on the ground.

"You caused her death, you killed my wife, you bastard, she died because of you, you killed my wife now you will pay..., I will kill you too."

"No please!! I did not kill her please!!!"

He grabbed an empty bottle of vodka from the coffee table and he broke it on my head, the last thing I saw was his worn out boots.

I sprang up from the bed, my throat hurts I couldn't speak, my scream was muffled, I tossed all around the bed feeling suffocated, I was drowning in a dark abyss filled with pain and endless suffering, I couldn't scream and alert my parents, mom couldn't come help me and soothe me as she didn't hear my muffled cries of pain.
My heart was heavy, I was left to endure this pain alone as my dream brought back painful memories, I was drenched in sweat, my breathing was slow and ragged. When I finally regained my senses I calmed down and focused on my breathing, my body still felt heavy and I was scared, I stayed awake the whole night too scared to go back to sleep. Too scared to remember.

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