Chapter 43.... This is Bullshit

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"Why are you Silent?" Alero asked raising her voice a bit.

"You said they asked for the map of Seleria." Mavery said with a thoughtful look.


"Seleria a place in the land of myth, its where the most precious, rarest and powerful artifacts are, its also a place of confusion and illusion, you can't find those artifact without the map of Seleria, you will get lost in Seleria without a way out, its filled with cunning creatures and mischief, you can easily go astray there." Mavery said.

"And that explains this how?" Dinela said impatiently.

"Let her finish," mom scolded "please continue."

"Those voices you heard, are probably voices of people looking for the artifacts, among the artifact that are there, there is one that is the most rare and powerful, the golden skull, those voices must want it that's why they are asking you for the map of Seleria."

"But I don't have it." I retorted.

"Yes you do." She said and nodded at me.

"Your scars make a pattern, in that pattern if you look carefully and properly, you'll get the map of not only Seleria but the whole of the land of myth." Mavery said.

Shockingly, she didn't even move her lips, maybe she doesn't want anyone to hear her, that means I shouldn't tell no one.

"So why do they want the golden skull?" Alero asked.

"I don't know but one thing I do know is that the golden Skull is the only artifact that can match up to the powers of the blue skull, as the blue skull creates clones, the golden skull destroys the clones and gives the beholder unwavering elemental powers."

"Wow." Dinela said in astonishment.

"Also one more thing," Mavery said in all serious "who ever those people are they are trying to bring down the clones made by the blue skull, meaning, they are trying to bring down Dario and every other clones causing havoc but mind you those people are not in this world, they are in another realm, the land of myths."

"That's great we can join forces with them and bring down all of them including Dario," Mom said happily "then my daughter will finally be free of him and get the happiness and peace she deserves."

"Yes, you're right Mrs Amira." Alero agreed and a smile made it's way on my face.

"But the thing is...." Mavery began the happy look on her face vanished "Axymah is Dying, those claw marks will keep getting deeper until they Pierce her heart, completely killing her, she has limited time on earth, whether Dario lives or dies one thing is for sure, Axymah's end is near." Every single one froze, time stopped, my breathe hitched, then it finally sunk in, I'm going to die.

"All these is bullshit, do you think we are fools here, you just think you can make up things and we'll believe you." Dad said.

"It is not bullshit Issah its real, its true, that's the fact, and if we don't do anything about it, she will die and her soul will never be at peace." Mavery said in unwavering tone, I just stared.

"My daughter will not die!!" Mom yelled.

"Yes she will unless...."

"Unless what?" Alero asked shaken about this news.

"She erase her name from the book of death, once she does that, those claw marks will disappear and her life will be spared, I advice she does this before she joins forces with those people to bring down Dario."

"I think you should leave." Mom said angry and hurt.

"We need to make haste." Mavery said but mom and dad were not having it, I was at a loss of words, what do I even have to say? I'm just a walking dead.

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