Chapter 46.... Bad Feeling

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Alero's silence was killing me, I don't think she'll go with me.

"Yes of course I'll go with you." She said with a bright smile. Dinela and I released our breathe, I didn't even know I was holding it in.

"So its settled then."

"This is going to be fun and exciting." Dinela squealed.

"Don't forget to mention deadly and dangerous." Alero added totally bursting Dinela's bubble, I just chuckled at them.

"Okay so are we having a sleep over here?"

"Year of course." I answered Alero.

"What did your mom cook? I'm starving." Dinela clutched her stomach and groaned.

"Pounded yam and vegetable soup."

"Yay." Alero cheered.

"But I think its finished." I said with a thoughtful expression.

"We are gonna go check our self." They both got up and head for the kitchen.
I laid down as a frown graced my lips, I can't tell them, if I do...they might not accompanying me on my journey, besides what will I tell them, 'hey ladies I only have one month to live, yay.'
This sucks, I'm just happy I have some support, that's all that's stopping me from breaking down and become a complete and utter wreck.

"Hey, we got some food," Dinela said as both of them walked in, they saw the worry on my face and got concerned "what's wrong? What's the problem?" Dinela asked.

"Its nothing just thinking."

"Well then stop thinking, you are going to hurt yourself."

"We are with you on this okay, every step of the way so chill, its not as though you are going to die in a month or anything?" Alero said and I froze.

"I'll go check on Bel, its way pass her bedtime." Alero looked at me with a sigh while Dinela slowly put food in her mouth watching me. I got up and went to meet Bel in the living room, she was watching cartoon and playing with her dolls at the same time.

"Hey honey." I said sweetly as I approached her, she ran to me as I bent to her level and gave her a hug.

"You're awake."

"Yes I am."

"Finally." She said and I chuckled.

"Have you had dinner?"

"Yes, your mom gave me noodles, it was delicious." She said grinning ear to ear.

"She makes really good noodles."

"Yeah, I'm sleepy." She yawned.

"That's good because it's bed time." I lifted her up and she rested her head on my shoulders, we both went to her new room and I laid her softly on the bed.

"Sweety, I'm going to be travelling tomorrow." I said as I tucked her in.

"Take me with you." She said sleepily, her eyes was getting heavy.

"I can't do that, you'll be staying with a friend of my mom's."

"Why can't I stay here?" How do I answer this question now?

"Well uhm because...." I was saved from answering as she shut her eyes and went into a peaceful darkness. I just sat there and stared at her sleepy form not knowing what else to do.

"You know that's plane creepy right." Dinela said from behind me, I turned to her and smiled, she was leaning on the door.

"What else can I do?" I just wish I could live a life without all this fear and torment.

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