chapter 18... Under Water

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I entered the swimming pool and started swimming, about half an hour later, no sign of Mr Dario, was feeling good seeing that its not Austin that's the mole, I got out of the pool and went to the bar to get a chilled wine.

"Hey, give me a glass of red wine." I said to the bartender, my back was towards him as I was feeling relieved.

"Here is your wine Axymah." As the bartender said, how did he know my name, I didn't want to look back, what if its Dario? I have to know, I looked at the bartender Dario he is here so that means, Austin.... He is the mole, my brain started working and I ran, I was running around the pool and he was right behind me.

"Help!! Help!!" I yelled in distress.

"Shut up bitch." He said, but ignored him.

"Someone please help me!!! Anyone!!!" I said as I kept running, he was unable to catch me, we just kept running and running till he motioned to a guy in a hoodie sitting on a bench, I didn't even notice he was there before, the guy walked over, Austin.

"Austin you?!!"

"Yes me, I'm sorry Axymah but I have to do this." He said with a pitiful expression.

"No you don't have to, if we turn him in, he won't be able to hurt anyone anymore." I tried to sound as convincing as possible.

"I do have to or else...." He started.

"Or else what? You were the one giving him Intel about me?" I asked, feeling so betrayed.

"If I don't he'll kill my mom, I'm sorry." He said, I don't want to listen to anything he has to say.

"Since when have you been working for him?" I need to know as much as I can and this is my chance.

"Since he took my mom hostage, my dad and I have to do his biddings, five years ago."

"Why did he take your mom hostage? Why?"

"Don't answer that, don't tell her anything, she is a monster, grab her." Dario yelled from where he was.

"Because... Because she is a Dakies." Austin said and I froze, he pulled me towards him and yelled for me to run away but I couldn't, how is that possible?

"Then what are you?" I asked stunned.

"A human." He said and Dario lunged at me but Austin stopped him, I lost my balance and fell into the pool, I fell suddenly, I thrashed around, my arms flying, going in all directions. My arms couldn't go above the water anymore, someone closed the glass on the pool, it must be Dario, I kept hitting the glass till I took my last breathe.

So this is my end, this is how my story ends, no happy ending, how sad, going down till I reached the pool floor, I felt a rush of air through my lungs a couple minutes later, I opened my eyes wide in the water in panic, what I saw before me was beyond my imagination, a baby dragon.
  I felt myself being pulled upwards, couldn't make out how it looked but I'm sure its a dragon, I closed my eyes and let the darkness consume me. I felt pressure on my chest, I opened my eyes and puked all the water in my lungs out as soon as the pressure became stronger, I'm alive.

"Thank God you are alive." Austin said and fled, what the hell!!!! I guess he is not that bad, he saved me, I took deep breathes and stood up on shaking legs, wore my coat and veil then went to my car, I relaxed and regained composure then I remembered.... West I quickly changed and drove to the docks, I saw him there back turned to me, he must have waited a long time.

"What took you so Long?"

"I'm sorry, I got caught up in something." I said and he turned to me, he took in sharp breathes as soon as he saw me, then approached me.

"You look stunning." He said and a blush crept up my cheeks.

"Thank you."

"Why are you wet though?" I asked then realised I'm talking, my voice us not hoarse or shaky, thank goodness, how come I didn't realise it earlier.

"Long story, so where are we going for our date?"

"Out into the ocean..."


"On my yacht, I know you've been dying to go on it."

"Wow, yes,where is it?" I asked and motioned to the spot a bit far from me on water.


"Come on." He said and I walked beside him and into the yacht, I heard police sirens, I wondered what happened.
We got into the yacht and I decided to tell West everything that has been happening to me, after we were about to finish all the snacks and drinks on the yacht, also playing around, pulling each others legs and flirting, I thought I should pour my heart out about all that has been happening to me, leaving the Dakies and Taenisa part out, he felt my pain as I spoke, he looked at me with love and affection in his eyes.

"I can't believe your biological mom did that, and she didn't bother to come see you after that day?"


"That's bad and sad, everything will be okay, don't worry, I'm right here with you, so are your foster parents." He said with a kiss on my temple

"I can make your night better." He said with a wink.

"You are such a pervert."

"You love that about me don't you?" He asked, I didn't even get to give him an answer, he kissed me, I relaxed and leaned into the kiss. In no time we were both naked and he was thrusting in and out of me, our moans of pleasure resonated in the yacht, he indeed made my night.

An hour later

We both laid down, staring up at the sky, the stars twinkled and shone bright.

"I've been meaning to ask you..." West started.

"What is it?"

"What are these claw marks below your awesome left breasts, what caused it?" He asked and I froze.

"I don't want to talk about it." I said hoping he won't pressure me to talk about it.

"Please tell me, I promise I will not say a thing to anyone." He persuaded.

"I said I don't want to talk about it."

"Okay fine, as you wish my Queen."

"Thank you, let's go back to shore okay."

"How about a little swim first?" He asked, I have had enough water for one night, I don't want to accidentally drown in an ocean.

"Its freezing and mom will be worried about me." I tried getting out of swimming.

"You didn't tell her we were meeting up?" I might have left the part about tonight out, didn't tell him about Mr Dario and Austin.

"She wasn't home." I lied.


"You know how she gets, so protective."

"That's a mom for you, I'll take us back to the dock then you can go home."

We got back to the dock and he walked me to my car.

"How will you get home?" I asked him.

"I brought my own ride, duh."

"Okay, I'll miss you so much." I said with s puppy eyes.

"Not as much as I'll miss you, I love you baby."

"I love you too." I said and drove off, I got home later after that and met my mom pacing around in the living room.

"Mom!" I called her and she walked towards me.

"Mom what's wrong?" I was getting concerned, in less than a second her palm met my face, she slapped me.
She has never raised her hands to me before, why now?

"You are a murderer a worthless piece of shit, no one could care less about you, and all that do... Its just pretense, you are a cold hearted murderer."

Mr Dario's words rang in my head, as I just looked at my foster mom with my hand on the cheek she slapped, she stared back at me, not moving a muscle and me doing the same.

Days After (Book 2 Of The BDA Series) COMPLETEDWhere stories live. Discover now