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"Ah there's the lovely couple!" Kelley laughs as Rose and I walk into the meal room. We both look at each other before I scrunch my face up at the defender, "What?" Alex looks at us amused, "Have you not been on social media?" Both of us shake our heads while Mal hands us her phone with a smirk. As Rose holds the phone and I look over her shoulder to see Mal had it open on Instagram showing a bunch of posts of Rose and I after the match yesterday hugging, smiling and talking to each other. But judging by the caption and the comments they saw it as a little more than "friendly".

"Ah cmon!" I scoff as we scroll through the hundreds of comments that were shipping the two of us together, "we are literally hugging they're acting as if I kissed her in the middle of the pitch!" Tobin comes up behind me and slaps me on the back, "Welcome to the world of media and hardcore fans Tiny".

I groan and drop my head down to the table but before it can hit the hard wood a hand stops my forehead from making contact. "Thanks" I mumble to Rose who stopped me from hitting my head. She just smiles at me but it's quickly interrupted by the team who awes at the two of us. I glare at my teammates as I throw my hands up, "I have a girlfriend!" I turn to Rose with a playful wink, "Rosie your hot and all but I'm spoken for".

Rose blushes while everyone else laughs. As I check my watch I see that I'm supposed to be meeting up with Jessie soon and I better go grab my stuff, "I'm going to go meet Jessie. I just have to go grab my stuff". Rose stands up beside me, "I'll go with you. I promised I would call Mary". As we walk out Rose holds open the door for me causing some of the girls, no doubt the other youngsters, to wolf whistle and holler at us. I try to raise my middle finger at them but due to my crutches I lose my balance and stumble. But thankfully Rose catches me and steadies me causing the team to fall into another bout of laughter.

I roll my eyes as we start the trek back to our room. "I'm sorry about the media and the team" Rose apologies but I shrug her off, "Don't worry about it Rosie. You can't control what the fans or media say and we both know the team just like a laugh". I give her a side glance with a smirk, "Besides I think we're both happy with our love lives". She blushes and starts playing with her phone. I send her a teasing smile, "You didn't really think I fell for that excuse did you?" She rolls her eyes and shoves me lightly, "Shut up".

What the team didn't know was that Rose was also dating someone. She wanted to keep it quiet for a while until she felt more comfortable with their relationship. The only reason I knew about it was because I was the one who introduced them. Rose came and visited me in LA while I was still recovering and to also meet with some of her Future Stars kids that she's mentoring. While she was there I introduced her to Ross who was in the same course as me in UCLA. He played football and also happens to be my friend Callie's brother. They really hit it off when I introduced them and they started texting each other after until eventually Ross grew a pair of balls and asked her out.

But knowing how nosy the team are she asked me to keep it quiet until they're a bit more stable.

"We're good. Still taking it slow" she says. But I grin and nudge her, "Andddddd". She giggles and smiles, "And I really like him. He makes me really happy". I smile and sling my arm around her shoulders, "I'm really happy for you Rosie. I'm glad your happy". She leans her head against mine, "Thanks Ellie". "Now you go call your boy toy while I'll go get ready to meet my beautiful girlfriend".

She can hear the midfielder laugh as she trails after behind me. But I can't help it as I shout over my shoulder, "I so call maid of honour at your wedding. Or your first child named after me. I'm fine with either!" Rose scoffs as she goes to open the door to our room. But I just grin at her, "What? Elliot is a great name. And it works for a boy or girl! How could you say no?!" She just rolls her eyes and points at me, "I'll think about it if I'm your maid of honour at your wedding!" But I just wink at her,

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