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A deals a deal soccerlover35 I love your writing so much I'm willing to release this early. I can't wait to read your chapter. And I suggest all my other readers to please check her writing out you will not be disappointed. Anyways I hope you enjoy!!!

I take a shaky breath as I psyche myself up to knock on the door. With one last deep breath I finally knock on the door. After about a minute Tyler comes to the door giving me a sad smile, "Hey Ellie". I don't say anything as I just hug the Press sibling.

Ever since Christen and Tobin declared themselves as my honourary "mom's", they introduced me to both of their families. And when they found out I don't have anyone spend holidays their families were both adamant that I was definitely coming to spend it with them.

Although I wasn't one of them, they all welcomed me into the family.

"Chris has barely come out of her room since it happened and she hasn't spoken a word to any of us" Tyler explains as we walk to Christen's room. I nod as I listen to her, "Does Tobin know?" Tyler nods, "Yeah. She knows she tried to get a plane out but the only one available was for tomorrow". I sigh and run my hand through my hair as I stare at the door trying to think how I'm going to approach this. Tyler takes my bags from me, "I'll go out these in your room". I smile at the older woman, "Thanks Ty".

And with that she takes my bag down to the guest room which has become my room for whenever I come to visit. I take a deep breath before I knock on her door. With no response I slowly crack open the door and stick my head in and my heart breaks at the sight. The room was completely dark, the light turned off and the curtains drawn. The only thing you could see was a lump in the bed hidden under the duvet and the small sounds of sobbing and sniffles coming from it.

"Please go away Tyler. I want to be alone" Christen croaks shuffling around in the bed her back still facing me. "Not Tyler" I whisper quietly. She flips around in the bed so she's now facing me and my heart cracks a bit more seeing her blood shot eyes and tears streaming down her face, "Ellie?" I smile softly at the forward, "Hey mom". She opens her arms out to me as I climb in under the covers and snuggle into her, "What are you doing here? I thought you were in England?"

I cuddle into her putting my head in her chest while she puts her chin on top of my head, "I was. But when I heard what happened I jumped on a plane to come see you". She sniffs, "You didn't need to do that". I start to play with her necklace, "Of course I did. I wasn't about to let you go through this alone Mom". She pulls back just enough to kiss my forehead, "Thanks baby".

"I would do anything for you Mom" I says. I shift around so we're now eye level lying face to face lying on our sides in the bed, "Look Chris I know how hurt and alone you feel right now. Seriously it feels like nothing will ever be same. And your right, there will be days the pain will be so unbearable all you want to do is curl up into a ball and hide from the world. I know how it feels and there is no worst pain than losing someone. But I promise it will get better. I promise you. I know it will never fully heal but I promise you that one day the gaping hole you feel in your chest right now, will get smaller and smaller and will become bearable".

I wipe the tears streaming down her face right now as my own eyes start to get watery, "You've been with me through so much and have always been by my side whenever I need you. Now I'm going to be here for you".

Christen finally bursts and starts full on sobbing so I move to hug her tight around her while she hides her face in my neck. The roles were completely reversed as I start combing my fingers through her hair and just let her cry in my arms. Once her sobbing ceases and is reduced to sniffles I pull back and look at her as she starts to wipe her face, "Feel better?" She nods slightly, "A tiny bit. Thanks El". I kiss her forehead, "Anything for you Mom. Now cmon you need to eat and the others are worried about you". I slowly get out of the bed and walk around the bed to Christens side. I hold out my hand to her and she peels back the blanket and takes my hand.

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