Part 12: Trapped

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"Well, it's good to see you again, Flora. I kind of miss you for a while.", Ronald chuckled. "Yes, I know. But let's get this straight, have you heard what happened in Bali the other day? Stella, me, and Jack were attacked by a unknown elemental.", Flora said to Ronald. "Oh that news!... Ha, I heard that Jack was your weak point, Ain't it? The wind whispered to the trees here with that very awful news.", Ronald replied. "Don't say that to Jack, he tried to save Stella back there even risking his life. How dare you insult him!", Flora said with anger. Ronald's sarcastic jolly face turned into a gloomy, grudging one. "Oh, so you protect him, eh? Ha, such a sweet couple.", he says with a devilish giggle. "Hey, I may not know you yet but I can stand on my own. I can defend myself, but I just hold back for my friends. I don't want them to worry.", Jack said.

Ronald looked at Jack carefully then turned his attention to Flora. "Then what is it about that thing in Bali, huh? Have you find anyone suspicious to do such thing? Eh, Flora?....", he asked Flora. "Apparently we have some suspicions but we have to set it all right before getting this criminal. Why? You wanna join?", Jack said to Ronald. Flora looked at Jack with her eyes showing that she's nervous. Then Ronald stood up closer. "Well, yes. How can I refuse? ", he said then giggles. Flora then fades then scared face to a confident face. "So everything's okay now. We better be going back now. I have some things to do back in Manhattan. So does Jack. So, farewell my friend.", Flora said. Flora then summoned fresh leaves to lift her so as Jack flew into the air. Ronald looked at the two flying away. He had some thing in his thought. "I know you wouldn't go this far without some thing fishy going on. Both of you don't know what's coming for you.(Laughs) You will see. Yes, you will see.".

As Flora knew they had gotten far, she signaled Jack to land. They landed near the bottom of a mountain. Flora then whistled. Jack didn't know why she did that but later then, he saw a glowing figure from afar. He sees it closely and concluded, it was Stella. Her golden glow makes her look like a shooting star. "Oh, Flora. Is everything okay now.? Did you got his trust?", she asked Flora. "Maybe yes. He was still inconsistent with his actions.", replied Flora. Stella was relieved. But suddenly, a creaking sound was heard. They agreed to split up to know what would that be. Later, they rounded up back to where they went. Both Jack and Flora saw nothing but Stella said she saw it. They then follow her where she saw this sound creating figure. Jack noticed some thing from Stella. Instead of dragonfly wings, she had medium butterfly wings. She also had  an amber necklace where it wasn't there when he first saw her. They have reached the said point but Flora was curious. "Where's the figure? Where is it?", she asked. Later they have been pulled by a string that  was secretly tied to their feet. Both Jack and Flora were screaming in fear. Then Stella was changing form into a fire elemental. That wasn't Stella!!! The real Stella may have been misdirected so that she will be copied by this elemental! They fell into a trap, a trap where they can't find a way out.

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