Part 27 : Twist of Fate

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All were in shock of hearing that Ronald made a deal with Pitch Black. The Guardians question Ronald    . "Hey, how did YOU and Pitch have a deal back then,eh mate?"."Yes, Bunny's right. You are more said to be dealing with the devil. As if you sold yourself for nothing. Don't you know that?", both Bunnymund and Tooth asked. "Well... I took the risk...Even if I have to lose everything, if its to make the people responsible suffer, then it is my pleasure to do it...", Ronald replied. Due to extreme rage, Will rushed to Ronald and grabbed him right on the throat. "You little cold-hearted man.... You're blinded by the unreasonable things that makes no sense!!!! I know you, Ronald!!! I do! You're still the Ronnie we grew up with in town. You never wanted to be like this... Never bring this hatred that has never been yours!!! Wake up, Ron. Wake up!!!", Will said as he cries in discourage. 

Then Will made way for Jack to interview Ronald. "Okay. You've had done enough to make yourself so contented to claim vengeance. I'm not gonna hurt . I just want  to know where is Flora."."Oh, your pretty little flower? She is not in the mood of having fun. You see, she is suffering from a poison I gave to her. I call it  the "LOST" spell. She now feels nothing but loneliness and pain. She's like a withering flower with no more hope of blooming again. What will I say to her before she's gone. Hmm, Jack? (Sinister laugh)". "You heartless---Uh!!! You don't know what it feels to lose someone who means a lot to you in a senseless way...You..Really...Don't....Know!!!!"."Me?! How could I not know what it feels to lose a loved one?! I have been finding ways to break the darkness in my heart... They both died in a very senseless way. They were even robbed after their innocent deaths.... They were out there...finding money....because of your parents!!!!.... There I promised myself to defend the ones I love...No matter what it takes.... "." Well, time is running out Jack. You have to choose. Only 6 hours left. Flora is being eaten by the fear of the poison bit by bit.  You may not be able to make her innocent or you'll have her as a beautiful corpse....It's time to choose ,Jack....(Sinister laugh). 

Jack went numb. He was so scared to do the right decision that may end up as a mistake. Then the Guardians comforted Jack. "Jack, we'll bring the kids to the Elders while you and the others save Flora.", North said. "But who will lead you there and explain to the---".Then Jade intervened. "Me. I will explain to the Elders that you have collected enough witnesses and you need to be extended for a bit longer.... I'll make them be convinced.. Go Jack! Go while there's still time....". Jack was convinced and went along with Jamie and Cassy to Ronald's lair. Then the Guardians and the kids along with Jade went off to Antartica to the Elders' lair leaving Ronald tied up in the magical chains the Sandman made.

So there they go both to the two tasks that had to be done at once. Now Flora must hang on in order for Jack to save her and to defend herself against the accuses held for her. This is a "now or never" situation.  

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