Part 20: Shocking Flashbacks

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"Well, let's not just keep on talking. We have to go out and get ready for our assault against Ronald.",  Cassy said. Flora agreed so was Jack. Flora laid a layer of fresh leaves under Cassy as she flew while Jack grabbed Jamie around the shoulders.

They went up in the sky and continued their conversation. Jack and Jamie were slightly afar from Flora and Cassy. "Hey, Jamie. I think Cassy is a great girl. She's good for you.", Jack said to Jamie. "What--What do you mean? I know she's kind of cool and nice but we're not a compatible pair.", Jamie said.

"Oh really? She's brave, confident and very aggressive. My type of girl for a boy like you.", Jack said as he smiles. Jamie was getting annoyed and made a counter on his question.

"Seriously? Jack have you ever had a girl which made you feel and know love? Like ever?". Jack just smiled but suddenly he had a flashback.

He saw that he was playing tag with a girl. He kept on running after the girl. He kept on saying the name Laurice. "Laurice, don't let me trip again! Wait up!". The girl kept on giggling.

Jack kept on running till he forgot that it was just a dream and he was about to hit through a tree. But he luckily evaded. Jamie had relief but got mad on Jack. "Hey! We were so close of dying back there! What happened?", Jamie yelled.

"Ah, nothing. I just remembered something. Yeah.", he said. Flora called Jack and said that they should land for them to rest and prepare. They saw a forest with an open area and there they land.

Later on, Flora ordered Cassy to start training her arrows. Jack and Jamie were surprised. "Wow, Cassy. I didn't know you're into archery. I really have to know you more.", Jamie said. Cassy sets the area for her training. Jamie assists her in placing the targets. Jack and Flora were afar having a conversation.

"So, I heard that you remembered something? Uh, can you tell me what was that about?", Flora asked Jack. He scratched his hair and can't look straight in Flora's eyes. "Well, uh-- Yeah. Um, I remembered a girl. Yeah. Maybe a friend. I can't see her face but were playing tag then I kept on saying her name"."What was her name , Jack?".

"Um, she had the same name as you. Laurice. That's all I know. Her name's Laurice.". Flora got nervous. She suddenly felt scared. She can't look at Jack.

" Um, Jack. Maybe we should  make you remember the whole thing before we can find the unclear details. Shall we?". Jack got a little curious but then agreed. 

Moments later, Jack went to Cassy and looked at her trials. Flora, meanwhile, had her index fingernail nibbled and had a scary feeling. She knew something.

She knows that Jack is slowly remembering that they met back then before Jack became immortal. She had doubts of telling Jack but she calmed herself and thought that she must be at a good timing in telling him the truth about Jack's past.

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