Part 33: Kids Can Tell

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Now everything’s at place. With Ronald cleansed from Darkness, and the kids about to testify for Flora, they can have it all back in place again.

So they went out and rushed fast towards the Elders.  Jack having Jamie and Flora carrying Cassy on her shoulders with Ronald in Cassy’s hands fly fast to the depths of Antartica.

Going through the tunnels, looping and turning, down to the very bottom they went. Then they have reached there and been welcomed warmly by the others.

“Jack!!!! You’re back!!! You’re okay now!!!!”, yelled Tooth as she hugs Jack tight. Jack felt awkwardness and pushes Tooth gently and replied, “Tooth, I’m sorry but um—I have a girl for life now and she might get mad at me. “

Tooth didn’t understood at first where she then mouths saying, “Is it her?”. She point at Flora and Jack approves. Feeling regret she then goes away and smiles with a cute giggle.

“Yes, Jack!!! We missed you…. Are you all ready now?”, asks North. “Always ready, North. Let’s get it started shall we?”, says Jack with a confident smile on his face.

Now Flora is about to be judged. She faces up the Elders and brings the witnesses with her.

“Here, I have 3 children who will testify that I have done nothing to ruin their lives. They had choices that I had to only support, not to change them. Kids, you can tell them now….”, said Flora as she walks a step backward. Maruki talked in behalf of the other kids.

“Flora was there for us, especially, when we don’t know what to do.  One day, I had a dream of being a great dancer. I wanted to start with new shoes. Then, I wished a pair new dancing shoes for Christmas, and I did get one.

I was eight that time. I don’t have the strong feet to dance like those I see on TV, but I practice every day. No matter how hard the dance was, I wanted to get appreciated for my dancing.

Then a year passed by, I entered a dance competition. I was only a rookie yet I felt confident. Flora helped me in having a boost in confidence. I was scared about the people who might see me. But she always remind me that to think that I was dancing alone in a stage and never be afraid of and audience.

They are only people who will only look at you, and they won’t hurt you. Just be proud of yourself and show them what you’ve got inside.

Since then, I thought I never had such belief in myself. I won that competition as its champion. That was the most memorable day ever in my life. And I owe it all to her.

Even my fellow kids here have the same experience. Belle, she was once afraid of having friends who were said to be under her level. She is indeed rich but she wanted to have real friends. Friends, who will never discriminate themselves to her, disregarding her status.

Then Flora lets her meet some at a park where Belle met new friends who she will treasure for life….

And Fredrich here, he’s bit of a grumpy kid. But not because he’s that, he shouldn’t have a choice for himself.

He wanted to be in his school’s soccer team but they only want him to join the rugby team. Since he was a kid, he wanted to be a soccer player.

The soccer team’s coach says that Fredrich’s size is more useful for the rugby team. He finishes his decision without letting the boy play for try-outs.

One day, Fredrich was walking by the field when a soccer ball went in front of him. He saw it came from the soccer team.

Flora went near him and said that he must join to show them he can play. But he was nervous that his knees were shaking. Then Flora rubs his shoulders and tells him that this could be his last chance to show them his talent.

So he picked up the ball and went to the team. He asked if he could join. They agreed and started the game.

Fredrich was amazing. He was running fast with the ball without being blocked by any player. He was near the goal and there were three blockers before it. He then gives a strong kick to the ball and he scored goal.

He was jumping in joy that day. The other players were impressed with his actions in the game. They didn’t even notice that the coach was watching them.

For this time, the coach agreed to put Fredrich in the team. You, see now. Flora’s innocent from those things you talk about her…. Now you’re contented?”, said Maruki ending with a remarkable question.

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