Part 15: The Painful Truth

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Moments later, Will was awaked by consecutive slapping with an annoying voice talking to him. "Hey...Hey!! Hey!! Wake up!! Come on, Wake up!!!", Jade said. He caught her hands and yelled. "Hey I maybe just a spirit but that doesn't mean I can't feel a thing!!!". He pushed Jade away from him. She was shocked. She felt embarrassed of what she did to him. She covered her lips with her fist. Will felt sorry. "Hey, I didn't meant that to hurt  you. I juust got away with my feelings, that's all. I like you though.", he says while rubbing her back. Then Jade smiled again. "Well, so much drama huh? I have to get your powers back to make you a full spirit again. Let's start, shall we?", Jade said to Will. Her some sort of small Chinese accent made her a little funny. "Sure, I would love to.", Will replied.

Back in Ronald's Lair, the fire spirit went in the Prisoner's room where Flora and Jack were. She went to wake Jack Frost by a blazing flame pointed at his feet. The he was awaked by the intense heat fo the flame at his feet. "Ouch!! Hey!! What did you do you Ugly Torch?!", he yelled at the fire spirit. "For the last time, I'm not an Ugly Torch!!! Get that??!!", the spirit shouted. Flora suddenly interrupted. "Then what's your name? So that we will not call you an Ugly Torch...Hmm?". The fire spirit was roaring but then came silent then face them. It was still silent. "Well, you can't just stand there? We've been in this place for like couple of days so why can't we know you more since you know us already, huh?. Come on.", Jack persuaded. Then it started to talk. "Well, as you see, I am a fire elemental. My name is Vesta. I never had a life before this because I was made by another elemental.... That's all. That's my story.".

"Oh, I see you are making friends with your prisoners, eh?", Ronald suddenly interrupted the conversation by entering the room. "Well, I think everything's all set now. (Laughs) Now, Flora, do you want to know what your parents did? Well, this is how it started. My family had a balanced account with you parents that time. We were tight in finacial problems. We had to save much of what we had left.  But it was November that time, my father brought bad news, he said we were not allowed to loan since we had a balanced account. He insisted to your father that he wannted a loan for Christmas celebration. But your father said no. My father was in great sorrow and pain with that in his mind. A week after, Mother and Father went out to find money and sell our properties to some people. By the time they had money in theri hands, a groups of thugs punched them to death and stabbed them. They even stole the money my parents earned. Since then, I have hated your family. ". Flora's tears were flowing."You think my father was that brutal? He tried to get some money but the bank had no more available money to be loaned. And to think, My brother and sister were killed on....on....Christmas eve.... (Cries).". Jack was shocked. "You have a sister and a brother? But why  were they--". "Well, about that part. That's all because of me...(Sinister laugh) Yes!!! Ha! I let them follow the rabbits that they were chasing. It lead them to the forest where there was a pack of wolves which attacked them. They weren't killed by the wolves, but the wounds were so deep that led them to death. The fun of seeing you and your parents to feel so musch pain made me have an ecstasy. (Laughs).". Flora's face was blank. She couldn't handle what Ronald just said. Jack then hugged her tight. She then restrained and went wild. Now, everything is clear, he is heartless; Jack thought.

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