Interlude : Dear Jamie

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And as they went away from each other, going separate ways, both had deep sorrow in their hearts. Still, Jack went out to go to Flora.

One day, Jack went down to go to Flora. He flew fast down onto Flora who was sitting on the grass. He landed right beside her.

She seemed to be surprised of seeing Jack. “Jack, what are you doing here? Do you have some matter to discuss with?”, Flora asked.

“Yeah… And it’s with you.. Why don’t you try to talk to me, huh? I’ve waited for more than a month for you give some communication with me….”, said Jack.

He sat beside her and tried to hold her hand but Flora slaps his hand. “Jack!!! Don’t force it…. I know we may have a very little chance, but, we can’t be together this time… Not now… I’m sorry…”, said Flora.

“Wait! You’re saying this is the end? You’re giving up? Don’t you notice? You were once afraid because you were making sure that I won’t get hurt…. That I will be fine and be set for my own future….

But MiM (Man in the Moon) chose me for some purpose and maybe, even a chance…. A chance to be with you again….. “, he said with tears falling from his eyes.

Flora seemed to share the same feeling but she still insisted. “Jack, I know. But we should be obedient….

I know you hate rules but we should be serious…. I even want to be with you and run throughout this world… (then stands up). But we have to face the reality…. “, said Flora as she turns back on Jack.

He yells, “Why are you so loyal?! I know you know that we can be together… I know that!! Flora, I—“. Flora then answers, “I know we have the same feelings now but we must be following what should be done now…. I believe in what Jade said to us… And I want you to bear this in mind….

Happy endings come after bitter experiences. Remember that always, Jack…”.

Flora then vanishes after being covered by leaves and flowers. Jack tried to catch her but she was gone.

Jack had mixed emotions in him. He wanted to scream but he tried to control himself.

He then had himself calm. He flies out and goes back to North’s place. He still believed in what Jade said. But the pain he feels now makes him lose hope.

Meanwhile, Jamie was about to go to school. It was the end of summer vacation. Now, he’s in his senior year. So was Cassy. They weren’t classmates but they still hang out after class.

Jamie’s POV

Whew! School days again. Wish Jack would come whenever I feel like it’s a snow day….

Just ate breakfast and rushed out to school. Sophie, on the other hand, was in the fifth grade. I bring her to her school and I then go to mine.

It was my daily routine. My dad went home after his long work at Michigan as a salesman. He earned a lot but we were happy as well to the fact that he was home, at last.

I just got in school and went to my first class, Literature.

It was not sort of my favorite class back then, but when it talks about folklores and myths, it made me interested.

This time, our instructor asked us about mythical people. He wanted us to give example and tell what they represent.

I raised my hand in excitement. “Yes, Mr. Bennett?”, said the instructor.

“Jack Frost. Legend says he looks like an old man who brings blizzards and other more winter conditions. His name come from the Irish word “Jokul Frosti”, which means Icicle Frost.

He holds a magical staff which is believed to be the only object that doesn’t freeze whenever he holds it. He somehow represents fun……”, I said so confident.

“Fun? Well, if that’s what you know Mr. Bennett”, said his instructor.

My classmates looked at me, I know that they don’t believe me.

I never cared. All I know is that Jack is real.

The day went well. I still feel the insult of my classmates’ look on me in Literature class. But I lost my mind when I saw that Cassy was behind me.

“WHOA!! Ca-ca-cac-a---Cassy?! What are you doing here?”, I said.

She just kept on giggling. I ignored it and we went straight to home. I was about to come inside when Cassy yelled at me.

“Jamie!!! Jamie your mailbox has a letter inside…”, she said as she opens the mailbox.

I then went there and checked the letter. It came from Jack. It said something for me.

“Dear Jamie,

                Hey there, old buddy!! I want to say hello to you and Sophie. I also want to say that I heard that you’re in school now. Way to go kiddo!! I want to ask about you and Cassy. You two really look like a good couple. Okay, okay, We should be having this like for our sense of communication.

May the wind be with you….

 Sincerely me,

Jack Frost

I had some tears and joy in me. I think that this means Jack and I still are friends. I wish he’s happy  with Flora now… Even if they are far away from each other..

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