Part 9: Unwritten

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"So, now you've got your head upright? No offense. I'm just plain frank to people except for Laurice", Will said. Jack had his lips tightened. He thought that he can't be anyone more than Will when it comes to Flora. "I know. I never had felt this back then, I mean ever... It's my first time forgive me...", he said sadly. Will sighed and simply scratched a finger on his head. "Ok

ay, I'm sorry for being kind of rude. But I also feel like you do. It's just that, you know, I'm the one in her heart and mind....", Will said. "Yeah... That's lucky of you... I also want to take this feeling out of me... It's just---I can't--I mean--I--", Jack replied utterly. His face turned gray. He felt like he was torn apart. He knew this would end like this. "Jack, I know you. You would do everything that wouldn't hurt her. Like me. You only want her to be happy. Cheer up", Will said. Jack looked him in the yes and smiled. He knew that he could love Flora as a friend.

"That's also a reason why I vanished..", Will suddenly said. "What do you mean? In what way?", Jack asked. "Well, it's like this. I confessed my feelings for Flora even before I was proclaimed athe Autumn Spirit."."What?! You're the Autumn Spirit?! Well, who's Ronald Falls?.. How can that be?!". "I know you're in shock. But that's the truth, I was supposed to be the Autumn Spirit when Ronald dealt with an evil elemental. He was jealous of me. He had feelings for Flora but then he knew that she had feelings for me and not for him. By the time he knew that I have the mutual feeling for her, he crossed the line. He once read about elementals that can give your wishes with a deadly price. In exchange of his wish, he must give a mortal soul to be thrown in the Dark Pit. The place where unruly elementals are imprisoned. I had many bad experiences in there but at least I managed how to survive. I thought that someday someone can give way to me to go back in the world. And that's---you, Jack". 

Jack can't believe that he heard those words from Will. "How can I be--- I mean, the one that gave way to you? What do you mean by that?", he asked. "Since you came, Ronald felt competition between you and him for Flora. He was securing that Flora's his and not your's. While I think he tried to fool the Man and The Moon but he forgot one thing.", Will said." Then what's the thing he forgot?", Jack asked. " He thought my name was listed in the Dark Pit List. Instead, his name was there. He was fooled by the elemental he dealt with.", Will answered. "So that means, you're okay. Your name is unwritten in that list which makes you good to go, right?", Jack answered. "Yeah. You really do have some sense.", said Will. Now everything's clear.

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