Part 4: Deceieved Feeling

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Jack was feeling a little nervous. He thought that Flora just needed comfort. But he had doubts in his mind and heart. He took Flora's sorrow seriously. He felt like he was crying too. "Jack, this girl is loving someone. And you're not that guy. Don't be like this just keep calm. You only care for her, and you don't love her.......yet.Uh!", he thought. Suddenly Flora loosen her arms from Jack and wiped her tears and sniffled accidentally on Jack's jacket. He was a little disgusted but then managed to smile at her. "I'm sorry, I bothered you. I just can't share my feelings. I can't let it out.", Flora said. "Yeah, um, ha.... Are y-y-you alright now? I mean- um, are y-y-y-you feeling any b-b-b-better?,", Jack asked nervously. Flora smiled. "Well, I am better. I think you're unwell. You sound awful.", she said. Jack just smiled to her.

Later then, Stella called them to come in her place. As they entered her simple, tropical, 2 floored home, Stella was yelling at them in a comedic way. "Why- What happened to you two out there? Well, is Little Ms. In Love okay now?". Flora smiled as Jack also did. Moments later, Jack had made fun out the girls when he started to prank them with his snowballs. Unfortunately, for Jack, Stella melted his snowballs before it could reach her. He kept on throwing at them till he bumped into Flora.  They fell hard. Jack tried to stand but before he did, he met Flora's eyes and stared at her. He felt that Flora was looking right into his soul. Stella cut their eye contact by tagging Jack. Jack simply smiled while Flora giggled. Suddenly, Jack went out to be alone. Stella was about to go to him but Flora insisted that Jack needs to be alone.

He stood near a window that showed him The Moon. "Moon, now you make it more complicated. For the first time, I've felt something...Not sorrow, or happiness.... But it's's love.. And it's for the wrong time. She loves someone else. Someone who she wanted so badly. Moon. just make me help her in revealing the truth about me. I just can't tell it to her"."Can't tell what to who? Tell me, Jack.", Flora interrupts him all of a sudden. "No-n-n--n-no, it's someone you don't know. Flora--I", Jack panicked. He was hesitating to say what he just wished from The Moon. He wanted spit it out but it just became utters. Flora approached him and laid a finger on his lips. "Hush, Jack. It's okay. I know you don't want to tell me about that. It's personal. I see. I trust you.", she said as she smiles. Jack heard his heart pounding fast but then went calm and acted normal again.

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