Part 6: Brave heart

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Flora flew down swiftly just enough for her to catch up with Jack. She didn't thought she may lose control but she risked it. "Jack, I'm coming for you.!!", she yelled. It was only 30 meters left and Jack will submerge into the ocean. Flora was drawing nearer and nearer to Jack yet can't get his grip. They were getting nearer to the water when it was about five meters left and Flora caught Jack and flew towards shore. As they reached shore, Stella just landed just beside them.

"What was that? i never seen that kind of elemental for my life!!", Flora shouted. Stella shook her head and replied,"Me either!! It went away just when Jack fell. I think the weather's getting back to normal. We better let him rest inside.". As they went in, Jack was still unconscious. Flora was worried. She gave a vial of medicine to Jack ."Could that help him?", asked Stella. "Maybe, it helps make your vital signs normal. I hope it works on Jack"., Flora said.

They waited till the next for Jack to wake up. Flora was outside, standing near the shore. She held a flaring flower that was glowing yellow in color. "Guardians, I know Jack has said his farewell for his journey, but please he is in need of you! He is weak. Please! Whoever is there, respond to my signal.!", she shouted. Then she threw the flower up to the skies as it reached very high, It blew like a firework, then it spreads its glowing light to the Guardians. Flora hoped for anyone to come fast. They waited for an hour and the wait was worth it.

North brought the other guardians by his sleigh. As they landed, they rushed inside. They saw Jack lying on a bed, unconscious. "Why- He's weak alright and pale.", said Bunnymund  in an Australian accent. "How did this happened?", Tooth asked. "There was unknown figure in the skies that made the weather turn some sort of irregular. It had lightning. We went up and checked for what it was. The figure attacked us without warning. I had him have a hit but it countered my attack that went up to me. But he bravely stood up and shielded me from the attack. Till now, I feel so regretted. Uh!.... I hate myself!!!!", Stella said with her face broken. North came near her and comforted her. "Dear child, I know what you feel. But Jack did what he had to do. That's one other thing why he became a Guardian, he had a brave heart.", North said.

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