Part 19: Reunited

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The girl shook hands with Jack so was he. "It's nice to meet a descendant of yours.", Jack said to Flora. She giggled. "Jack, you make me laugh. You're funny!", she says as she slaps Jack's back softly. "Of course, I'm funny. Well I'm not the Guardian of Fun for nothing, right?!", he says joyfully. The girl interrupts. "Um, by the way I am Cassandra Bolton. Just call me Cassy.", she says to Jack. "Oh, why it's nice to meet you. ", he replied. They kept on talking and talking till Jack asked Cassy a question."Cassy, are you from what? Somewhere here in Burgess Town?"."No, I just came in town like a month ago. I transferred here because my dad has his work here.". Jack scratched his head. "You just came in town? Oh-- I thought you may know someone from here.. Like have you heard the name Jamie Bennett?".Cassy was in shock. "You mean little nut-head Jamie Bennett?! Oh, sorry about that. People in town say that when I ask about him. Yeah, we're kind of close friends."."You and Jamie, friends already?Wow. How old are you, anyway?". Cassy slowly shake her shoulders up then down and says, "Sixteen. Just this last two weeks". Jack smiled. "Well, that's kind of cute. I think Jamie's the same, right?". Cassy nods and blushes. Suddenly Flora stopped their conversation and went back to their main topic. "Cassy, Ronald has gone mad. He's coming here any minute and we need to get you out of here. Like now!!!", Flora says to Cassy. Then she grabs a bag then went out with Flora and Jack. "Wait! We need to get Jamie! He might go after him too!", Cassy said. "She's right, Jack. We need to secure him too so that he may not use him against us.", Flora agreed.

Then they hurried through the streets and stopped in front of Jamie's home. "Whew, still the same place yet I think many changes happened here. Wish I could see Jamie again.", Jack said. Cassy then came near the fence and whistled. She kept on whistling till she saw Jamie on the window saying that he's going out. Jack was excited to see Jamie. He went nervous and went in circles. Flora calmed him and they waited for Jamie to come near. Cassy went to the door and waited it to open. The door was half-opened and Jamie spoke to Cassy. "What re you doing here? You know people think I'm a weirdo who's make friend to a popular girl. That's not right."." I know, Jamie. But Jack Frost is out there and he's waiting. "."Jack--you mean the Jack Frost?"."Yup. Come on!", she went out and called Jamie.

Jack was looking far seeing only Jamie's lower body. He felt that Jamie may have changed a lot. Then he sees the overshadowed face of Jamie. But as Jamie went out, Jack saw his face. He actually looked like Jack. But Jamie still had his unkept brown hair. Flora was amazed for seeing Jamie have looked like Jack. Jamie saw Jack and ran fast and hug him tightly. "Jack, I missed you. I thought we'll never meet again!". "I know, Jamie. I can't believe that you're still the cheerful Jamie I've known.".They kept on laughing at each other and rubbed each others arms.

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