Part 29 : Uncertain Sacrifice

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Jamie approached Jack and comforted him and rubbed his back. "Jack, there could be another way to break the spell that's killing her now.."."No, the spell has drained almost all of her energy... She's needs a whole soul to regain the normal strength she once had. ", Vesta interrupted. The n Cassy pushed near to Flora "Maybe I should give mine... She's done a lot for me..."."No! Cassy, No!! You're still young.... You still have a lot to do in life... Even Flora can't take it to know that you'll do this...",Jack yelled. "I know... But, she's been looking over us for the last 5 generations. I can't handle to just stand here and do nothing while she's dying because of something senseless....". "No, no, Cassy.... I may not have the right feeling for you now ................But I want to be with you for like for the rest of time... You know, even as friends.... I just feel like I can't stand to see you hurt and pressured....(cries) Don't do it Cassy. Oh please....Please don't..........", Jamie cried. Jack laid Flora gently on the floor and stood up. He looked at Vesta then handed Jamie his staff. "Jamie, Cassy, You two have been  great company for me and Flora. But time once tricked me and Flora in having love. I don't believe that Flora and I just met back then for nothing. We had a great time together but she once way out of my league.... She was a spirit and I was nothing but a young boy...She thought I had a lot more time to know what the world was but to experience in having a family and getting old happily, that was something she could never have again.... Her parents joy was continued by her younger sister born after her death... Even no longer mortal, seeing her descendants live in peace makes her still feel mortal. I should not let her cry no more... I'll do it for her.... Tell the Guardians it's been a great time being with them..... And tell her I love her.... ", Jack says as he cries. 

Suddenly, Vesta turned down her flare. She seemed to show a normal face. She was crying then. "I'll do it.!!! I'm the one responsible for this!!! If I never told Ronald that I hated her, she would've been okay now....". Jack was curious. "What? You mean you once met with Flora? like how did that?". "Like Ronald, I had a deal with Pitch Black. Then his Fearlings possessed me with the powers that came from evil.... Then I became this... I once came from an orphanage..... She was visting our orphanage till the other orphans had families... Then I was left there till I was 17.... The last time we met was that she said goodbye to me since that I was about face the mature world. .... I hated her.. I thought that no family was there to have me then she left me alone.... I had grudge... But now seeing the reason why she left is that she may ruin my decisions that had to be done on my own.... Let me do this...."

Then she went near Flora and lied beside her. She glowed so bright that Jack and the other can't see. Then Flora was half awake. She saw Vesta near her. She saw her real face. She knew Vesta's real identity. "Melanie, it's nice to see you again..."."Yes, it's me. I'm sorry... I need to do this to make you live longer..."."I know, I forgive you with all my heart...". 

Then there was a explosion that turned Vesta into dust. Flora was okay now. Jack rushed to her and checked if she was okay. They all had relief.

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