Part 16: Little Things

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Flora had her strength pulled out, trying to break free from Jack and charge into Ronald. The devilish Ronald just smiled while rubbing his forehead. "Oh, now look at you!! Ha! You have those eyes that I once had when my parents were gone. They must be proud of me. Up there in the heavens or where ever they are now. (Sinister laugh).". Jack bursted out. "Proud of you?! What does that supposed to mean? I think they wouldn't rest in peace now since you have done is much more gruesome!!!!". "Tsk, tsk, tsk. Oh Mr. Frost, you must have gotten a little mad, eh? Once I'm done wrecking these Seasonal Spirits, the world balance will be broken. And the people of the world will be ruthless to one another till the day comes that I will show them they can stand for their ownselves. Am I right?". Ronald kept on looking at them. Flora cried out loud with her face totally broken. Jack felt so sorry for Flora. He can't do anything that can help Flora never get hurt. He cried with her. Ronald mocked them, "Oh what a sweet pair..... Won't this be great? The Winter Spirit and The Spring Spirit. The two connected seasons now will be destroyed at once. Huhh? (Laughs).

They kept on trying to share their tears while time was passing by. Flora suddenly rose her head over Jack's shoulders then she whispred in his ears. "Jack, I want to tell you something....". Jack had their heads close tight so Ronald won't notice their talking. "What is it?", he whispered. "Jack, I...I tried many time to find the truth in what I feel for Will. I think it's time I have to decide....". Jack's heart pounded fast, he thought that Flora will choose Will and leave him to be heart broken. He tries to fight it with the thinking that he must be happy for her no matter what her decisions is. "Okay, say it then.", he whispered to Flora. "Jack, I...I...I don't love Will more than a friend... I love someone else.....". He was scared. He thought that she may love someone more than Will that would be more hurting for him. "What? Who do you love then?", he said to her. "Well, I  don't know if it's a good time but ..... Jack..... I....... I love.......I love you, Jack. I love you Jack Frost. That's true and final......" . Jack was numb. Not because he didn't heard what she said but for hearing what she said. She loves him. He should be happy that she loves him but tied to that is their end is about to come. "What--Do you love me? It's not that I question you but why? I'm happy too.... Cause I love you....", Jack said. Flora simply gave a kiis on his forehead and smiled while rubbing his neck. "Even in those little things you've done, you have everything I missed in my whole life....". The Jack hugged her tight slowly rubbing their heads towards one another.

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