Part 23: Face Off

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Finding the Circle of Elders was a bit harder for them, how about facing them and try to explain their side on the said false report? They had to meet up first and then do what it is needed for Flora to be claimed innocent. Jack still had a question even after their last conversation. He thought that maybe he really was with Flora. He felt that Flora was so close to him even from the start. He felt that they've been together for a long period of time back then. But he has to remember. His memory, sweet or painful, must be they key to help Flora in this matter where she must be NOT guilty.

Later on, they've reached  and Abyss whereat first looked so shallow but as they went down into it, they have been falling like it is just a sink hole. Then after the ice-covered floor, it changed into a green and slimy pit hole. Later then, they finally reached the end of the magical tunnel. They were in front of the door to the Elders Head Quarters. All had their heartbeats pounding fast. A simple mistake in talking with these people could change a lot. Will and Jack came in front and knocked on the big door.

As they knocked for three times, the door suddenly morphed from being a huge, old and carved wooden door into a a puzzle box that was formed after it had disseminated by folding little by little. the two puzzle boxes were hanging on each side of the door. Then, they saw the Circle of Elders. All together they were  there; Mother Earth, Father Water, Father Fire and Mother Wind. Father Fire stood up and talked. "So, the side of the complained party is now set for the allegations said against her, eh?". Jack stood up close and replied, "Yes. We're here to make things clear to you that she has no bad intentions with the children she had contact with.". Father Water questioned them. "Oh, so the Spring Spirit has messed up things with the kids, eh? Well, the complain reported here was that she had been ruining the minds of children. She let's them think that she is a real human but in fact she is not for the last 355 years of her existence! I'm tired of talking. You! It's time you talk for yourself. Make sure it must be valid.". Flora stood closer to the Elders' table. Jack pulled her arm trying to step up for her but Flora insisted to be alone in testifying. She spoke. "I have never ruined a child's heart in believing in any one of us. I may have been meeting with children but I do it because I care. I let them know that I love them and they should love the people around them. You have no proof of my said complaint against me.". Mother Earth stood up, "Flora, I believe in you. I've always been. Just that we need you to bring your witnesses here fro you to be proved not guilty.". Will and the others chattered then Jack spoke, "Witnesses? Who may be these witnesses so we may find.". Mother Earth replies, "The children. Even they have grown up they must testify that Flora has been innocent or she will be plead GUILTY.". "In what time you give us in searching and then bring them to your presence?". "In 24 hours, you must bring at least 4 witnesses. All must be in good mentality.  You may leave now.". Jack and the others went out and the door was back again. 

All went out through the hole and got out in Antartica. They were above in the sky flying. Will talked to Jack. "Jack, you need to remember your past to help Flora in this one.". Jack nodded. "Yeah, Will. I'll do my best in remembering to help Flora to be innocent. I'll give my all if needed.".

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