Part 21: Aim High

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 Meanwhile, Cassy kept her focus on her training. She had great aims yet she can't get a "bull's eye" on the target board. Jack had a suggestion. "Um, Cassy how about you try to NOT aim straight at the target and aim to strike it. Huh?". "Not straight? Well, how can I get a good shot if I can't aim straight? I can't hit it when I aim it straight, how about when I don't?", she replied. Jack smiled. "Cassy. I meant for you to just not focus on your eye sight but feel that you're hitting it right. Try it.". Then Cassy picked an arrow and slowly attached it to the bowstring. She gently stretched it and took aim. She looked straight and made sure that she could hit it. Then she released the bow and the arrow flew. It hit right in the middle straight. Cassy was happy."Wow, I never knew I could get a great shot that so easy! Thanks, Jack. That was fun.". "Don't thank me yet. Now we can make this have a little more fun.", Jack said. He looked at Jamie and had a sneaky smile.

Later, Jamie stood in front of a tree and had an apple on his head. He was trembling in fear. "Jack!!!! I'm gonna sue you if I'll be dead after this!!!!!", he yelled. Jack just laughed. "Jamie, don't worry we have a great archer here. You trust her ,right?"."Yeah. I trust her. but not YOU!!!!". Then Cassy came near to Jamie and cheered him up. "Jamie, just let me do my best. I can get this. You just have to believe me in this one."."I believe in you. It's him I can't believe in making like a clown."."Well, you're the cutest clown I've seen so far.". Jamie giggled and blushed. Then Cassy went in position and set aim. Jack signaled Cassy to fire. "Ready, Aim.... Fire!". She shoots the arrow and Jamie close his eyes tight.  Then Jamie opened his eyes and saw the apple was hit by the arrow and stuck on the tree. "Wow, you did it! Cassy you did it!!", Jamie run to Cassy and grabbed her waist and raised her up high. They were so happy. Then Jamie slowly puts Cassy down and looks at her up close. "Hey, you two!  Better get things right before I see hearts in the air.", Jack said. "Same to you two.", Jamie said. Jack turned his head and saw Flora and smiled so was her.

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