Part 25 : Lost

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Meanwhile, Jade and Will went to Osaka, Japan. As what Flora instructed, they had to meet a 9 year-old  girl named Maruki Honda. They stopped by a 3 floored building. It was modern in design yet the rooms inside were having a cultural design. They went through the girl's window of her room. She was far past asleep. Jade slowly came near to her and gently rubs her hair. "It's been a long time since I've been down here in the world."."Well, how long is that?", Will asked. "Let's say about 530 years maybe... or longer....". Will's eyes widened but he then just smiled. "We need to wake her up and tell her that Flora needs her. But how?", Jade asked Will. "Oh, yeah. Ha, um, about that part, I don't know."."What do you mean you don't know?! Huh?! We have to do something. Use your brains!!!!!"."I am using them but I just can't have an idea for now.... I'm sorry..."."Oh.. Oh, oh, oh no!!!!! You must wake her up or I'll--". Then suddenly a light broke their quarrel. It came from the flashlight held by the girl. "Nani---?", she said. Jade started to talk to her. "Oh, Maruki ,right? We are here for you... You know Flora? We're her friends. She needs your help she's in trouble now. ". Maruki still kept silence. "I think she can't understand us. You know, language barrier?", Will said. "Hey! I understand English!! I get the highest scores in English class. Why does Flora need me? Is she in danger?", Maruki asked them both. "She is being blamed that she hurts kids like you. But she can be out of danger if she shows at least 4 witnesses to prove that she is doing good. So, are you coming or what?", Jade said as he reached out her hand. Maruki smiled and grabbed her hand then jumped. They went out the window then flew in the air. Maruki was so amazed in flying that she was screaming while she was on Will's back.

Back to Jack and the others, they now go to Berlin, Germany. They try to meet up with Fredrick Petrov, a 11 year-old soccer fan. As they went to Fredrick's home, they picked him up and left a note for his parents. Then they went to Stalingrad, Russia as what Flora and Will have planned to meet then bring the kids to the Elders. They got there earlier. They waited for Will and Jade to meet up there. Jack bought some time in asking Flora some advices. "Flora, what if my memories are now clear to me? Can it bring any good? I mean I am one of your witnesses and I need to get it clear to prove that you're innocent. But why can't I remember you? Flora, help me in this...". Flora just smiled and held Jack's hand. "Jack, some moments of our life are sweet or worse, painful. But we have to accept this fully. No matter what bear it in mind, without those moments we couldn't be here. I trust you, Jack". They had their eyes in contact. They were like doing only body language.

But suddenly, They heard a screeching sound from the bushes. They were alert and ready to attack. But Jamie and Cassy suddenly lost consciousness. Flora knew they were under a spell. Jack was then tied in dried vines where he can't move. Flora was hit then she fainted. Jack can't see the enemy. The kids were hiding away in a bush. Then Jack saw Ronald laughing. He tried to break free but he failed.  Flora was taken away in a flash. He managed to cut the vines after releasing much energy from his body. He collected Jamie and the others. Minutes after, Will arrived hearing the news. Will understood but Jack blamed himself after all. He thought he didn't protected Flora. He screamed and was mad.

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