Part 13: Treachery

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As they were dragged by a thick, dried vine; Jack tried to reach Flora and save her. "Flora, give me your hand! Almost there... Just a little more closer--". But even before Jack caught her hand, they fell into a very dark hole that seemed to be very deep. Then they suddenly lost consciousness when something bumped them hard. Later then, Jack regained his consciousness, he noticed that he was chained on the arms. So was Flora. He looks at each side of the place. He then sees the fire spirit that they had encountered. "What the-- Let us out of here...! You sneaky little---". But the spirit spoke. "Oh, please. Mr. Frost where your decorum? Ha! Did you forgot that we have you both well-accommodated in our place? Oh, you should be blessed! (Sinister laugh). Jack tried to break free from the chains but he gave up. "Who's your master, huh? I want to know why are you doing this but at least must be informed if we're get killed or not?!", Jack yelled. "Oh, you will know him alright. He will be here soon. And I assure you, he's going to like you two..!", the fire spirit replied. 

Suddenly, Flora was awake. "Jack, where are we? I can't feel my--uh! I'm chained. So do you. But why? I don't--"."Flora, don't move too much. Save your strength. We still have to meet the master of this ugly torch here.", Jack replied to Flora. The spirit was insulted. "Hey!! I'm not a torch and mostly, I'm not ugly!! I have heard that my master has arrived.May he have mercy on your souls!!". 

As the big, medieval door of that room opened. Jack looked closely for the said master of the ugly torch. Then a masculine voice spoke that was familiar to Jack. "(Laughs) You may have got the right man.....(His face is lit coming out from the door) But you have got the wrong timing, eh? (Laughs again).". It was Ronald. "Darn it!" ,Jack thought. They were too close of getting him but they had ended up being betrayed and locked by this fool. "So it's you. What are you going to do, huh? I thought you love Flora, but why are you doing this?", Jack yelled at Ronald. "Me?! Love her?! (Laughs) Are you joking me? I'd never fall in love with the daughter of the criminals who killed my parents!!!!", Ronald answered loudly. "The daughter of--- what?! Wait, you mean her parents killed yours?! But she couldn't hurt a fly but even her parents wouldn't too.", Jack said. "You don't know anything. You don't know how it feels to be with your family and be loved then they were killed why you were left alone.... You don't know that!!!!", Ronald screamed like he was outraged. Jack thought that he had more to know but what he knows is that Flora's family is innocent.

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