Part 24: Back Then Till Now

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They searched throughout the globe to find the strongest witnesses for Flora. Will and Jade searched through the Eastern Regions while the rest went to the Western. Jack noticed that Flora was some kind of upset. Even having some difficulty in bringing Jamie, he called Flora to talk. "Hey, Little Ms. Sunshine.. Don't be sad. We'll get you your witnesses as fast as any jackrabbit you've seen ever before. So be happy okay?", he says then smiles. Flora looked back and luckily she smiled showing a little bit of joy. 

Later on, Flora directed them to Paris, France. They passed by the Eiffel Tower as Jamie and Cassy were amazed of what they saw. Then Flora and Cassy landed near a big house so was Jack and Jamie. "Wow. This kid better be a superstar. For sure, she has such glamorous things in there, right Flora?", Jack asked. She shooks her head. "Not that much , Jack. You see, she is a charitable child. She likes to give and serve for others since she was five. Now  she's ten. We should get inside.". Flora and Jack left Jamie and Cassy outside aside from the fact that they can be seen, they can watch over if Ronald may come to attack them. As they went inside, the living room was dark. Jack had a little  problem of seeing where he almost broke a vase on a table. Flora led the way to the girl's room as he followed. When the door was opened, they slowly close it.

Suddenly, they were surprised by the girl's roar as if she wanted to scare them. "My, Donna you should have good timing in having fun, okay?", Flora says as she rubs Donna's hair. "Oui, Oui. I will not do that again.", replied Donna with a cute voice. Jack was curious if Donna can see him. He marched in place and muffled words that made Donna laugh. " You're funny! He's funny Flora.", Donna says. Jack was happy that Donna can see him. Then Flora whispered into Donna's ears. Donna was nodding while she was jumping with joy. Flora had a doubtful face. "Donna, are you sure your parents will not get worried of you?", she asked. "No. They would never worry as long as they know where I am.", Donna replied. She held Flora hand and gently grasped it. Flora was in relief. 

Later on, they went out as Donna left a letter that she made for her parents. Donna rushed to Jamie and Cassy and tried to make friends with them. Jack asked Flora. "Hey, Um---Are you sure her parents will believe in what she wrote in that letter. I mean-- she said it all literally and true.". "Jack, truth is, her mother, Isabella was once a child I cared for. I told her that one day I'll be a friend to her child. Now it's true. I always kiss the kids goodnight or goodbye. I miss that part.", Flora said. All of a sudden, Jack had a flashback again. He saw the girl from his past. He saw her eyes were up close. She rubbed his cheek then Jack holds her hand then kisses her in the lips. He still can't see her face clearly. Flora tapped her in the back saying if he was okay. He woke up from that sudden day dream. "Are you okay, Jack? What was that?", Flora asked. "Nothing. Just I remembered something again. I'll tell you soon. ", he replied.

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