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Today I'm not planning on getting hammered, just a little bit drunk. Or maybe high.

I'm really deep into this messed up world. And I like it like that. Being a drug addict, and dealing with illegal things makes life more thrilling for me.

I started doing drugs when I was fifteen. From then on, things got better. I can't say they got worse because I like the guy I have become. Atleast I'd like to think so.

My parents however, think otherwise. I can't blame them, though. They are Christians. Very uptight and deep into that religion.

I don't understand how people are set on giving their life to a Being they can't even see. Having their life bounded and not having to enjoy it. It's like they are slaves. Slaves of their own religion.

My parents for sure, are the most complicated guys I've encountered. They are very committed to their God. I wish they were different.

A man can only dream.

They were very disappointed with what I became. I mean, I don't see what the big deal is here, but I understand them. And even though I'm mad at them for choosing that life style, I love them.

I might be a complete badass, but my parents are my life. I honestly don't like the disappointed looks they give whenever I tell them of my adventures, but what can they do?

I'm an adult and I'm the anchor of my life. I can do whatever I want, and how I live my life is upto me.

Being an adult really has its advantages. There are no damn rules. I am not one to follow rules. Never have been. So my life now consists of breaking rules, and I like it like that.

But speaking of my parents, I really needed to visit them. I stopped living with them when I hit 17. Somehow, people started judging my parents because of how "bad" their son had turned out, and it pained me to see them suffer because of me.

Them being very nice and loving, of course, didn't mind the mouthing. Especially the one that came from the church. It became worse, and I decided to leave home for good. I love my parents so much.

They didn't want me to leave, but I just had to. Atleast the mouthing lessened.

And that's why I despised Christianity. They deemed themselves to be holy...sinless. they looked down upon the non Christians and talked ill about them behind their backs.

It is a free world, and I believe everyone is entitled to choose what's best for themselves.

"Yoh! Back to earth, bro." Jake snickers.

"What's up?"

"Wanna go rob some rich guys?"

"I don' think so. I wanna visit my parents. Where the heck is Brad anyway? Haven't seen him and his goons around."

"I saw Ace and Everett around. Brad is the only gang leader missing too."

I scoff at the mention of Everett. God knows that guy gets on my nerves. He's just a major show off. Acts like the boss of us when we all know he ain't. Pathetic!

"You know, I don't get why you don't like the guy," Jake mutters.

I roll my eyes at him. Of course he doesn't. "Well, look at him."

He does, and gives me a questioning look. "The guy seems good. Humble even for a gang."

"Sure. Well, my instincts say that he's not to be trusted."

"You doing that thing again."

I cork an eyebrow at him. "What thing?"

"Judging thing, like you did with Jay. And look how friendly you two have become." He answers dryly.

I raise my hands in mock surrender. "Well, Jay is Jay. And he proved he is worthy of my trust."

"Then what makes you think otherwise of Everett?"


"I'll go talk to him...get to know him a bit. The guy is new to the gang, Troy. Suck it up."

I smack his shoulder as he walks away. Jake, always the soft one. You can't even tell he's a bad boy. But I'd have him no other way. He and Jay are the only ones that can put up with my insensivity.

Ha! If you can even call it that.

I look at Jake as he interacts with Everett. They laugh at something Everett says, and Jake punches him lightly.

I envy Jake at times. He is always cheerful and easy to get along with. I wish it would be that simple to get along with anyone.

I am more of an indoors-y person. Love to keep it to myself most of the times. It has its advantages and disadvantages though. I am an akward person that never knows how to make friends. My life sulks sometimes.

I take my last puff of cigarette then throw it away, crashing it with my leg. I wipe some imaginary dust off my bum, and leave the Baze.

 I wipe some imaginary dust off my bum, and leave the Baze

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Gracefully Broken(Everett's Story)✓The Story I'll TellWhere stories live. Discover now