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So I'm going through a tough moment right now. My daddy just passed away and I'm only 17. I have like two siblings and they are young. It's a tough moment for me right now. I guess I'm just in denial. Though I'll still update...don worry. I just miss my dad so much...and for once, I realize that Everett's story is kinda relating to mine at the moment. I'm just so tired. I can't believe it....but even through the pain, I'll praise Him.

Have you ever experienced that moment when the time stops, the only sound you hear is your own heart beat and everything else around you doesn't matter anymore?

It's like time stands still and you are just standing there, all voices blocked off.

"W-what?" I stutter.

"You have twenty four hours to come and get your guy. Failure to do so, you'll never see him again. 24 hours."

"B-but, b-b-but..."

The line goes dead, and I'm left there staring into space.

"Hey, Al. You alright? Al? Helloooooo?" Ava snaps his fingers, bringing me back to the horrible reality.

I know even if I'm shaken, God is still in control. He rescues and keeps us safe under his wings.

"What's up, girl. You look as if you've seen a ghost?" Her statement comes off like a question.


"Whoa, girl. What's wrong?"

"Everett. He, he's in trouble."

Everett's p.o.v

Deal's gone bad.

I'm messed up.

I don't know what to do anymore.

They got me.

They have me locked in their basements.

I'm scratched and scarred.

I don't know what to do.

I regret ever getting involved into gangs.

Now my gang lost the trial.

And I as the leader, have to pay the most.

It's a death situation.

No life involved.

I find myself missing Alana. Somehow that girl brings joy into my life.

Her smile lights up my life. I pay heed to what she says.

But the truth is-

I need closure for myself.

I can't allow her to break down my walls. I can't believe in God. At least not yet.

I mean. I've gone through so much...I smile when I remember how Alana reminds me of not swearing.

I've just gone through a lot.

When my father left, was He there?


When my mom died, was He there?


When mama fell sick, was He there?


When Jace fell ill, was He there?


I mean, I don't get why I should give myself to Him. Why should I? He wasn't there when I needed Him!

He just seems to make my life even worse. There's nothing nice I've been going through. Trials after trials. Battles after battles.

And the thing is, I'm fighting all this all alone.

Not like I'm complaining...

Ok, I totally I'm complaining. I don't want to go through all this alone. Sometimes, it's too much to handle the pain.

It hurts to see my only family in hospital. Does He want to take them too?

Sometimes I just wonder if that's His plan. To...make me suffer?


I had won once. But now, I don't know if I'll even see my family.

"Yoh, Evie!" The familiar mocking voice calls out.

I glare at him. "Don't call me that!"

"Oh, is that what your girl calls you. Sorry, Evie."

"Troy, you better shut up or else..."

"Oh...what will you do? Punch me again? Too bad, your girl isn't here. But..." He smiles ruefully, "You might or might not see her today."

"What do you mean!"

"What I've just said."

"Don't you dare bring her into this!"

"Oh... pathetic," he spits at me, "Pathetic threats, pathetic empty threats! Told you I got you in the palm of my hands, Grey."




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New chapter although I'm a bit down. I managed to write this down...pray for me so that I'd manage to be calm.

So, the cat's outside the bag. If you don't remember who Troy is... review the chapter in which Everett wanted to kill Troy but Alana stopped him.(◕ᴗ◕✿)

Gracefully Broken(Everett's Story)✓The Story I'll TellWhere stories live. Discover now