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I saw him.

Today. In the market.

He's still the same. Except this time, he's aging.

He looked exhausted, and there were no light in his eyes.

I have looked at myself to much in the mirror to know that I am an exact replica of him. I don't know if he'd recognise me, though.

I decided to test the waters and greet him. To see if he'd recognize me. *Laughs*

He didn't.

I mean, we are look alikes, aren't we? And he wasn't so old to figure that out.

I left him. He couldn't recognize me. How funny!

But life for me has changed. I learned to forgive. Forgetting is a harder task.

I'm renewed now. A new being in Christ. And Christ is Love. And Love is patient, Love is kind. It doesn't envy and it doesn't boast. It's forgiving. It doesn't hold grudges.

I would talk to him soon. But now, at least he had a view of who I was. It would help a lot.

Today I'm taking Alana on a date. Today I'm going to tell her of my feelings for her. I need to get this off my chest. I want to court her and be with her.

I mean, how can I not love her? She's been there for me through thick and thin. She never gave up on me, and, she is just a selfless soul. I just love that about her. She doesn't care what others say about her.

I hold the little bouquet of roses on my hand as I knock her door. Alana opens and my jaw hits the ground.

Beautiful, is what I could call her!

She's worn a shift dress that covers her knees, white ankle boots and a silver pouch is on her hand. Now this is what makes me breathless. There's a small hint of eyeliner with mascara on her eyes!

Woah! She looked too beautiful to be real.

"Um, Everett?" She breaks me out of my trance.

I rub the back of my neck, nervously. What can I even say? What's even my name?

"Erm, hey. You look..." I take a huge breath and close my eyes, "You look beautiful."

This girl will be the end of me!

She chuckles. "You've cleaned up nice, too. Are this for me?"

I nod and give her the flowers. I watch as she puts them in a jar then turn towards me.

"Shall we go?"

"We shall."

I have to keep rubbing my neck because of nervousness.

I drive to a little cabin that I had rented, and park my car outside. Getting out to open Lana's door like the gentleman I am, then lead her inside.

"This place is beautiful," she whispers, making me laugh.

"Yeah, it is. Wait till we enter inside."

I open the little cabin door, and lead her inside. My she gasps.

"When did you do all of this?"

"Yesterday, of course. Now, take a seat on this coach and let me take care of you, today."

I remove her boots, and wash her hands. I open the meals that I had prepared this early morning and serve them to her. I had learned that lasagna was her favorite.

After the meals, I lead her outside and watch the sunset with her. It's time.

I had prayed so much about this, and God is faithful, He gave me an answer when I needed it.

"Al," she turns to me, "You are the best thing that has ever happened to me. I don't really have words to say, but all I know is that I would want to share my life with you. And, I love you."

She has a bright gleam in eye. "You were always my choice, Grey. You were just too blind to realize it. You remember what I said when you asked me why I couldn't give up on you?"

I nod my head no.

"I told you that one day, you'll understand why," she chuckles. " The Lord had shown me. And through me, He wanted to show you His power. If His grace is an ocean, we are all sinking."

"Now I know. Now I understand."

"I love you too, Evie."

I glare at her, causing her to giggle.

"You will never stop, will you?"

She nods her head no, then screams. "Catch me if you can!"

And that's how our day ends. With me chasing after her, just like the way she had chased after me.

God's love endures forever, and His promises are sure!

God's love endures forever, and His promises are sure!

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And finally, he admits his feelings.

Author whines. *Took him so long!"

Everett. *Hey, and it was all worth it in the end, wasn't it?*

Me. *Glares at him.*

Everett. *Smirks and winks.*

Author. *Facepalms.*

Hope you enjoyed this beautiful chapter. Vote, comment and share. God bless and love you all!

Gracefully Broken(Everett's Story)✓The Story I'll TellWhere stories live. Discover now