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"So, how's the going? Managed to win his heart?" Ava asks.

"Not yet...but soon, I will. He is broken Ava, so broken." I sigh.

"And who would have thought? I mean, he looks perfect, like he has no trials in the world."

"You know looks can be deceiving... right?"

She rolls her eyes. "Yeah, and I shouldn't judge a book by its cover."

My eyebrows are furrowed as I think. "Something must have triggered him in the past or maybe present. He doesn't know God. Okay, he kinda does, but doesn't approve of him."

"Um...maybe something happened and he blames God for it? We human beings tend to do that a lot."

"Yeah. He needs my help. I think I love him."

She scoffs, "But you barely know him."

"Typical. I just think that underneath his shell, is a very nice and caring guy. And I know that God has plans for the both of us. I don't know how, but he is the one for me. It's like an instinct."

"Well...lucky you. Besides, it's time for you to get married."

I giggle at that. "I'm 23, and he is 25. Still not time to."

Ava whistles, embarrassing me. "So whipped."

I pinch her, and she squeals. "Hey, that hurt."

"That's the point."

She chuckles. "Okay, I need to go for my third class. We'll talk later?"

"Sure. I also need to go for my Business Class. God, business in the afternoon." I whine.

"You chose it, sister. Now up you go."

I take my bag and books then drag myself to my class. It's not that I hate business, but I usually find it irritating to study in the afternoon. I needed to change my timetable.

My phone vibrates, and I see that it's a message notification. It's from Ava.

Come to the gym asap!

Oh come on! I hate walking, but I do as she says anyways.

There is a huge commotion inside the gym. I can't see anything, but I can hear some grunts and groans in there. What the heck is happening?

"Al, thank God you are here. You need to stop him." Ava screams trembling. " He will kill him if you don't stop him."

I look at her with confusion. "Stop who? And who is killing who?"

"Everett...h-he's going to kill Troy."

My feet carry me to where Everett is. I don't think twice of this. Oh my God! The sight before me makes me gasp in horror.

My heart is beating vigorously, and my hands have become sweaty. Everett's posture is rigid and hard, as he glares daggers at Troy, who is bleeding heavily, his face disfigured.

"I'm warning you, Peterson. Keep your nose out of my business." He shouts.

I'm wondering why people haven't done anything to separate this fight. Don't they have a heart?

Troy smirks wickedly at him, and I wonder if he has a death wish. "And what if I don't?" He wheezes, "I got you in the palm of my hand, Grey."

Everett raises his fist to hit him again, but I decide enough is enough.

"Everett, stop!" I scream. "You'll kill him."

Everett glares at me. For a second, his expression softens, but hardens quickly. "Listen here, Ariana. Do I look like I care? No one messes with me!"

I know that deep down, he cares. I know.

I find myself rolling my eyes at him despite the current situation. "Everett, please. Listen to me, you don't want to go in jail. Please."

He gives a mocking laugh, and I bite my lip in anticipation. "Being in jail is not something new to me. I have practically lived there all my life. So just shut the heck up, lady!"

I'm exhausted. I fall on my knees and allow the tears to fall. "Please Everett. Please..."

He releases Troy, gets up without a word and walks out of the gym without giving me a glance. I sigh in relief, as someone goes to call the nurse.

I don't know how I can help him. I need God's grace and strength. He needs to see the light. And I realize I was wrong. Everett isn't a little broken. He is more than broken.

I know I can't fix him, but God can. Because with Him, all things are possible.

 Because with Him, all things are possible

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End of chapter 5. Vote comment and share (ʘᴗʘ✿).

Gracefully Broken(Everett's Story)✓The Story I'll TellWhere stories live. Discover now