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"I am your half brother."

And there it is! Everyone on the table gasps, and Oliver looks like he's eyes would just bulge out.

"What the heck?" Oliver spits out.

And that's when I see the resemblance and why I thought Oliver was so familiar. He was Everett's brother. And I also failed to notice his last name. How tight were my eyes closed during our meeting?

They both have the same eye colour, though Everett's were baby blue, Oliver's- dark blue. My eyes are now open. They really look alike.

"Has father never told you anything about his first family?" Everett asks.

Oliver looks at him with a glare. "First family? I only know that we are his only family!"

"Well, maybe he forgot. Or maybe he didn't want to hurt you. I'm so sorry, Oliver. He left me when I was 3 years old. Mom could barely manage to take care of me on her own. We went and lived with my aunt, Elena. Mom died when she was 23. I'm 25, Oliver. Lana told me you're 21. Four years, and dad decided to make a new family and forget about us."

"I don't believe you. Maybe you're talking of the wrong person."

"I'm Everett. Everett Grey. My runaway father is called Bennett Mitchell Grey."

Oliver's face is hard.


Everett sighs. "He left us, Oliver. He was afraid of the responsibilities, that's why."

Oliver stands up abruptly. "This can't be."

"I was also mad. I used to hate him. He's the reason why I didn't grow up with a father. He wasn't there to see me take my first steps. He wasn't there to cheer me up in my football team. He couldn't attend the father son meeting with me. And you know what hurts? He didn't even search for me."

"No, no no."

"I got involved in illegal activities in order to provide for my family. My mom died, I was left with my aunt and his son since her husband also died. My aunt has been suffering from cancer and Jace, a heart disease. They had to stay in hospital. But God is great! I had this amazing girl that never gave up on me. I also had Ava who helped a lot," I squeeze his hand, " They just got discharged like a week ago. But I don't hold any grudges at my father, Oliver. I forgive him."

I'm so proud of him. He even called him his father. God is indeed great!

"I forgive him, Oliver. Tell him that."

Oliver walks out of the house without a word. Ava runs after him with her bag. The atmosphere is so tense, you could cut it with a knife.

"Okay, let's enjoy our meals and forget what just happened." I say with a smile.

Everyone chuckles.

I take Everett's hand and lead him to my room.

"You okay?" I ask, concerned.

"Yeah. Why wouldn't I be? I have the most gorgeous angel beside me." He smirks.

I chuckle. "Only you, Everett."

"Me what?"

I shake my head. "How long have you known?"

"Since I first met him."

"And you didn't even tell me," I mock.


We must develop and maintain the capacity to forgive. He who is devoid of the power to forgive is devoid of the power to love. There is some good in the worst of us and some evil in the best of us. When we discover this, we are less prone to hate our enemies.

 When we discover this, we are less prone to hate our enemies

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Basically focusing on forgiveness. And we found out who Oliver is. Lemmi tell you guys, if you forgive others, you'll find peace.

So forgive, forgive forgive...and forget.

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Gracefully Broken(Everett's Story)✓The Story I'll TellWhere stories live. Discover now