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<<Time jump>>

It's Saturday. To say I'm nervous would be an understatement! Everett is about to pick me up, and I'm seated on my coach, fiddling with my fingers.

I'm dressed in my usual attire- a pair of jeans, a hoodie and some vans. It's a cool day, so my outfit is just something comfy.

My doorbell rings, and I rise up from the sofa abruptly. It's Everett.

"Hello," he embraces me.

"Hey." I shoot him a smile. "You cleaned up nice."

"Well, first impression should always be the best." He smirks.

The journey to my mom's is just a two-hour drive. My mom lives around the country side, where she has a small farm and garden. I guess my family is a bit obsessed with flowers and nature.

"So, are you like the only child?" Everett asks.

"Nop...I'm the second born. My brother, Alec is 28, I'm 23 almost 24, and my twin sisters, Amber and Andrea both 17."

"Your family sounds... interesting."

I chuckle. "My brother is crazy...my sisters are the worst. But you'll like them."

"And your mom. Dad?"

"My mom is called Amara Brooks. My dad rested. He was called Adam Brooks."

"I'm so-"

I laugh. "It's okay, Evie. It doesn't hurt anymore and beside, it was long ago."

"So...is your brother ...um..."

I give him a skeptical look. "My brother is what?"

"You, know...is he..."

And then I realize what he's meaning.

Giggling, I answer, "You should be afraid of Alec, very afraid."

His Adam's apple bobs up and down and his grip on the steering wheel is hard. I smile.

"Alec might be older, but you are more buff."

His head is thrown back as he laughs. I just love the way he laughs. Everett is one of those guys who got perfection zooming around them. Yeah, that's just how he is.

"So when he sees me, he might run away with his tail between his legs?"

I punch him lightly. "You might be the one running with a tail between your leg."

We both burst out laughing.


"And here we are," I say with a sigh, as we park the car.

I take Everett's hand and walk with him towards the door. Before I can even open it, Alec has already done the favors.

His arms are crossed when he looks at me, but a smile appears on his face when he sees Everett.

"Bro, you are the guy courting my siz?" Alec chuckles as they do a man hug with Everett.

"And you are the guy that's supposed to make me run away with my tail between my legs?"

Okay, I'm confused.

They do their man hug again, while I stand there as if I'm a third wheel.

"Wait, do you two know each other?" I question.

"Um...yeah. We used to play against each other during the football tournaments in highschool." Everett answers.

I groan. "Oh, shoot! And here I thought I'd scare the both of you."

They both smirk at me, which I find pretty creepy, save for Alec which is creepier.

We all enter Inside the house, where Amber and Andrea are seated comfortably, watching TV. This kids.

"I can't receive a warm hug?" I pout, facing the two.

Amber rolls her eyes at me while Andrea gives me the stink eye. "We really didn't miss you."

"It's okay. I'll just eat these cheeseburgers that I bought from KFC alone."

Their heads snap at me, and Andrea smiles sweetly.

"Oh siz, I missed you so much. Wow, and you've grown so tall, can you see tomorrow?"

Everett chuckles. I hope he can now see what I meant by saying my twin sisters were creeps.

"Woah, a jackpot!" Amber gushes, as he checks out Everett.

"Excuse me, " I take Everett's hand in mine, "He's taken by none other than me."

"Oi, bummer!"

Alec nods his head towards the two. "Mom! Al and her boyfriend are here."

"Just a minute, Alec!" Mom shouts from upstairs.

The dining room is beautifully arranged and the foods are already set on the table. I usher Everett inside and take a seat beside him.

"Everett, dear..."mom says walking in, "You've grown up and become so tall."

I'm I the only one who got to know of Everett while I'm in campus?

"Mrs. Brooks. Nice to see you again."


"Can someone please tell me what's going on?!"

"Can someone please tell me what's going on?!"

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This book is nearing the end... I'll be updating constantly...so...vote, comment and share.

Gracefully Broken(Everett's Story)✓The Story I'll TellWhere stories live. Discover now