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3rd person p.o.v

The big day for the two couples had finally arrived. Alana was filled with zeal and zest, and so was Everett.

Everett had already won his 3-piece suit, with some shiny loafers. His best man was Rafael, Elena's betrothed. The groomsmen too, Oliver, Justin, Alec and Raul too were already dressed to kill.

On the other side, The bride had already won her off-the shoulder white gown and the maids dressed too in their fancy dresses. You can guess who the maid of honor was:- Elena.

Alana met her mother by the door. She had the urge to cry. Mother and daughter embraced.

"You look beautiful," Mrs. Brooks said to her daughter. " Your father would be so proud."

Alana let out a strangled laugh. " I'm sure he would."

"Naah-uh-uh, girl!" Ava threatens. "No cryin'. I didn't do all that make up for nothing."

Everyone chuckled. That's Ava for you. Literally the life of the party.

The bride and her party headed towards the hired Limo and off towards the Cathedral.

Meanwhile, the officiant, groom and best man took their places to the right of the altar, entering through a side door, and faced the guests. Everett was nervous as he waited for his wife to be. He smiled at the congregation, calmly, although on the inside he was shaky.

The bride's party arrived at the cathedral, the bridesmaids entered through the back of the ceremony site, with the groomsmen. After they arrived at the altar, they turned to face the guests.

The maid of honor was the last of the bride’s attendants to walk down the aisle, followed by the ring bearer and the flower girl. Last to come down the aisle was the bride, with her mother as her  escort.

Alana felt like she would fly. This was it, she thought. Everybody stood as they watched the bride with anticipation and revealed joy. Slowly, Alana made her way down the aisle.

Everett watched his bride, tears welling in his eyes. He took her soft manicured hands and clasped them together.

Pastor Kent smiled at the two couples, then faced the congregation.

"We are gathered here today to witness the reunion of two of our beloved mates, Everett Grey and Alana Brooks. I'll just say something short about marriage, before they say their vows," he paused, " To marry is to take a risk. You cannot predict what will happen after marriages. Situations may change so leave some room for adjustments. It's not a contract, it's permanent. Marriage needs total commitment. Love is the glue that makes a couple stick together. Divorce starts in the mind. Every marriage has a price to pay. There's no free love in marriage. You cannot love without giving and sacrificing. Last but not least, God cannot give you a complete person you desire. He gives you him or her inform of raw material in order for you to mould what you desire. With that being said, I'd like the two to face each other."

The two couples faced each other, Everett winking at Alana and Alana giving him a shy smile.

"Everett, take off the bride's veil please."

Everett did as told.

"Is she the one?" Pastor Kent asked, causing the congregation to erupt in laughter.

Everett smiled slyly, "Yes, she is the one."

"It's time for you to say your vows. Are you ready?"

"Always ready."

The ring bearers walked in front.

"Alana, I feel overwhelmingly lucky and proud to be standing beside you today…. Thank you for accepting me for all that I am.  Thank you for loving me in a suit. Thank you for always supporting and loving me, unconditionally, I know I haven’t always made that easy. I know one that fact alone, you’re going to make an amazing mother to our children someday. I vow to love you without reservation or conditions. I vow to always do my best to give more than I take, and not keep score. When I am with you, I am the best version of myself because I am utterly and unapologetically myself. I vow to continuously work on myself, and to be the husband you want and deserve.”

Tears brimmed in Alana's eyes.

"Everett, I vow to be your biggest fan and partner in crime. I promise to support a family with you in a home filled with patience, love and understanding. I vow to grow old with you. I will love you faithfully and unconditionally through difficult and easy times. What may come, I promise to be there with love. I vow to be your loving wife, till death does us apart."

The pair smiled at each other .

"You may exchange your rings."

Everett took the ring and raised Alana's hand. "With this ring, I wed thee."

The ring slid perfectly in Alana's ring finger, above the engagement ring.

Alana took the other ring, and lifted Everett's hand. "With this ring, I wed thee."

"I now pronounce you husband and wife. You may ki-"

Everett took Alana's face in his palms and smothered her lips with a kiss.

The congregation cheered.

The wedding was beautiful, even at the end of it.

Ava got the flower the bride had thrown. Oliver vowed that she'd marry Ava one-day soon. Elena got to enjoy her second love life. Jace still captured the attention of many people. Everett's father had a chance to redeem himself and the most important thing:

Everett got broken gracefully.

The End.

And the book comes to an end🤧

I'm kinda happy and sad at the same time. It's been long since I updated it...been feeling lazy:,-)

Anyway....don't forget to vote, comment and share. Love ya all.;)

Gracefully Broken(Everett's Story)✓The Story I'll TellOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora