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Everett, Elena and Jace are going to be discharged today. Elena is cancer free, Everett hasn't fully healed his bones but he's improving and Jace's heart problem has been cured. We thank the Lord.

The second semester is about to start and I find myself a little bit uneasy. I don't know how this new term will be, but I'm committing it to the Lord.

My instincts tell me that there's going to be more drama in this new season, but I trust in God. He will make it right.

"Everything is set?" I ask Ava.

She's been signing the discharging papers for the three.

"Yeah. We can all go now."

We drop the three to their home, then head back to Ava's apartment. I've been living with Ava for the past few days because, Troy escaped prison. And I've been getting sneaky scary notes from an unknown person. Maybe it's Troy. He seems to be the one fitting in this puzzle.

It's not that I'm afraid or anything. I just... Have to do my part as a human being...hehe. God will do the rest- protecting me.

"Did the cops find Troy yet?" I ask Ava.

"Not yet. But they've found his tracks. They also found one of his men. That should lead them to his exact location."

"Do you think that I did the right thing by not telling Everett what's been happening?"

"In some kind of way, yes. You don't want to stress him out, do you? And you know how Everett is when he's angry."


Although, Everett has been showing some signs of changing. He's been allowing me to read for him the Bible, asking questions about God. I cannot say that I am not proud. In fact, I am very proud of him.

God has helped me pull him through. Sometimes he denies that God is faithful, but deep inside, I know that he knows better.

I know he knows that God has never left him. He has never been forsaken. Even at times when he's in a stuck up situation, He's always been there for him. Always has been. It's just that he pushes Him away. But His grace and loving kindness endure forever.

There's a big warrior in Everett. God's big warrior. But the bad side of him is holding this Godly side down. He just needs to give his life to Christ, forget about the past, and God will lead him through. He will unleash that side of him.

"I don't know about you, Al. But I have a feeling that this new semester will be full of drama." Ava says.

"I get you. I also have the same feeling. Let's just hope that everything will be okay and Jesus will take the wheel."

"We all leave it to Jesus."

"We all leave it to Him."

We stay in silence, contemplating of this new season to come.

There's this saying that really cracks my head; Man plans but God laughs.

We human beings tend to plan alot for our future, forgetting that there's someone up above, who has everything already planned.

God knows us from our birth till to our resting. He has already planned what will happen and what shouldn't happen.

And even when the race is complete, He wants us to mutter this words- Not yet I but through Christ in me.

Enjoy this beautiful chapter and don't forget to vote, comment and share<3

Gracefully Broken(Everett's Story)✓The Story I'll TellWhere stories live. Discover now