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I sigh in relief as I think about yesterday's date. Everett was such a sweetheart!

My phone rings, and I pick it up. It's my mother.

"Hello, mother." I say.

"Alana Brooks!"



"You've been too busy to even talk to your mother. A month, Alana. It's been a month! "

"Listen, ma. I had to finish an assignment that God had given me. All in all, I accomplished it, and I'm sorry. How's everyone? "

"You are forgiven, young girl. And everyone is okay, thought you abandoned them.  You know you're almost turning 24."

I know where she's heading to. She'd be pleased when she hears the amazing news, I tell you.

"I know, mom. So what's up?"

"Haven't you gotten a suitor? "

"I have, mom. "

"What? And you can't even tell your family about it?!"

I roll my eyes.

"What? Alana has a suitor? How come I wasn't told of this?" I hear Alec (my brother) ask, Amara (my mom).

A series of whats follow. I mentally facepalm. It's not like I'm getting married tomorrow?!

"Al," it's Alec, "What's not happening?"

"Hello to you too, big brother. I'm not getting married yet, that's what's not happening. "

He whines. "You didn't even introduce us. "

"So you can go all father-mode on him?"

"Well, yeah. That's my job as your elder brother, isn't it? "

I chuckle. "You sure you won't pee on your pants when you see him?"

"Al, don't tell me you picked a bouncer, " Alec whines.

I smirk, even though he can't see me. "And what if I did? "

"He's still not off the hook! "

"Well... I'm sure you would love him. How's Andrea and Amber? "

" They are cool. Still being stubborn highschool students. "

"Hey! " A hear a voice whine. " I'm not stubborn, Andrea is! "

"Ow, " Alec screams, "You doodles! "

I laugh at their silliness. I did miss them. Mom takes her phone.

"When will we meet him? What's he like?"

"He's called Everett, mom. He's a Christian and is very genuine. Handsome too with very blue eyes that make me want to stare at him all-"

"Al? "

"Yes, mother? "

"Your blabbering. When will we meet him? I wanna prepare the best Biryani for him. "

"Next Saturday good? "

"Awesome. "

"Send my love to Amber and Andrea. "

"I will. Now you bring that lad here, and don't forget. "

"Yes, mom. See you soon. "

"Bye, darling. "

I roll on my bed, then decide to study some scriptures about God's grace.

1 Corinthians 15:10 KJV
But by the grace of God I am what I am: and his grace which was bestowed upon me was not in vain; but I laboured more abundantly than they all: yet not I, but the grace of God which was with me.

This scripture reminds me so much of my dad. It was his favorite.

Before he passed away, he had been the kind of father that I had never had before. He was just non-replaceable.

How he died was a shock to me and my family. Sometimes it feels like he's gone on a journey, and soon he will return. I miss him. So much.

He had died of stroke, caused by high blood pressure. We had taken our supper peacefully, he didn't even look sick! But then he fainted and I watched him take his last breaths.

I hadn't known that he would die. He was rushed to hospital while my siblings and I were left at home. The next morning, mom came for their ID cards and I didn't understand what was happening.

Alec understood though, and when mom left, he finally broke the news to us. It was a sad moment for me because my dad had been my everything.i couldn't think of a future without him. But there I was. Crying my eyes because of my father's death.

Although this happened, my faith didn't waver. Sure, sometimes I felt like I'd question God, but He's the only one with the answers.

I buried myself in His Word, trying to find comfort in His presence. But I didn't need to try, because He had it all covered.

That's when I understood what being Gracefully Broken means- surrendering everything, pouring out our hearts, all based on the knowledge that our brokenness has a purpose.

We can never know true joy without feeling pain.

I believe that it is when we fall onto our knees, unable to take another step, that we are strongest in Christ. If life was perfect, without troubles, we would have no need to trust Jesus completely based on the knowledge that we can’t do this alone. Our brokenness changes us; it allows us to realize that without Christ, we are nothing. It is when we realize that we don’t have to handle our burdens alone that God sets us free.

We are gracefully, beautifully broken.

The Lord is so INTENTIONAL with making us strong from our weaknesses. He wants us to rely on Him fully and not in our own ways. The Lord’s plan is purposeful, beautiful, graceful… a dance of trust, love, and surrender.

I never thought that being broken could be a blessing. God has helped me see that my pain just gives me a chance to love Him more deeply.

That's what I wanted Everett to experience. To be gracefully broken.

Decided to make this chapter long so that you'd understand what being Gracefully Broken means

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Decided to make this chapter long so that you'd understand what being Gracefully Broken means. And ain't that beautiful?

And now you've met Alana's family. Aren't they just so funny?

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Gracefully Broken(Everett's Story)✓The Story I'll TellWhere stories live. Discover now