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"-then he slid and fell, with nothing but a towel on his waist. How crazy is that?" Jace bursts out laughing.

At the moment, I'm with Jace and Everett in the children's ward. Jace is giving me embarrassing stories of Everett's teenage days, which are really cracking me up while Everett is glancing at us with a fake scowl etched on his perfect face.

"Jace, can you shut up?" He glares.

Jace gives him the stink eye, which causes me to giggle. He turns to me then says, "Uh, then there was this day he came home with a crazy mind. He was murmuring something about rainbows, unicorns and flying pigs."

He whispers the 'crazy' part.

I notice Everett's jaw clench at the corner of my eye. This must have triggered him.

"So, how old are you, Jace?" I ask.

"I'm ten. And you?"

I blink at him. "I'm 23."

He smiles really big and asks, "Evie is 25. Are you two going to get married?"

My eyes have never been so huge like right then. Everett however, was smiling at me giving me that knowing look.

I stammer. "M-married?"

"Yes, Lana. Evie told me that when two people love each other, they get married," he pauses, "Don't you love Everett?"

Now how I'm I supposed to answer that? Everett has that lazy smirk playing on his lips and I'm really wishing I can wipe it off his face. He knows I'm in a tough spot right now and he can't help me.

Sometimes I wonder if he loves seeing me suffer. Like right now.

I send him a look that says, 'help me', and he just shrugs. How dare he?

"I do love him," I answer and shoot a glare towards Everett, "but we won't get married now."

"Not yet anyway." Everett answers and I facepalm inwardly.

Jace doesn't need to know that. Although I can't deny how my heart is beating right now. Does that mean that he wants to marry me?

"Woohoo! And I'll be the page boy. I need to tell mama this good news."

Jace runs out of the ward, leaving me and Everett to follow him.

"Where has he gone?" I ask.

"He's gone to my-oomph."

They collide with Jace again.

"Mama said she wants to see your wife. C'mon."

The little guy takes my hand and leads me to a different ward, where a frail lady is lying on the bed. My heart goes to her.

"Mama. This is Lana, Everett's wife." I blush.

"Hello, ma'am. I'm Alana, Everett's friend."

The lady smiles at me and I can see how similar Jace and her are. I can notice how beautiful she looked in her youth.

"Oh, honey. Don't ma'am me. I'm Elena, the mother to this two," she turns to Everett, "Hey son."

Everett embraces her and I almost cry at their union. This is sad, and I get why Everett doesn't trust in God. His family is suffering.

A tear slips on my cheek and I wipe it away with the back of my hand. Only God can restore this broken family.

"I see you brought someone new. I hope you are all good."

I give her a soft smile. "We are good, Elena. And you?"

"Oh. I'm just trusting in God. Always good, and healthy too."

"We thank God."

"Evie, can you take Jace with you. I need to talk to Lana, dear."

He nods and takes Jace with him.

I take a seat beside the hospital bed.

"Is Evie giving you trouble?"

I chuckle. "He has his anger management issues, but I can handle him."

"You are a nice girl."

"I try."

Elena stares at the ceiling and I notice a tear fall down on her thin cheekbones.

"I hate it when they see me like this. They are all I have, and I'm all they have."

"I understand."

"Everett's going through alot right now. Please be patient with him and don't leave him. I can imagine how hurt he is, seeing his little brother and mama in hospital."

"What are you suffering from?"

"Oh, I have cancer. Cervical cancer to be more precise. And Jace has Rheumatic Heart Disease."

"I'm so sorry."

Oh my Everett! No wonder he's so cold, and less trusting.

"Oh, don't feel sorry dear. I have a lot to tell you though. God cannot forget his people."

"He cannot and he won't."

When you ask in prayer, believe that you have received it, and it will be yours.

When you ask in prayer, believe that you have received it, and it will be yours

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Chapter 13, here we go. Don't forget to vote, comment and share. Tune in for more (◕ᴗ◕✿)

Gracefully Broken(Everett's Story)✓The Story I'll TellWhere stories live. Discover now