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Today I have guests at my place. Well, technically not guests, but since Everett and the others accepted Christ, we called for a celebration. The people who would be present were; Everett, Elena, Jace, Caleb, Marcelo, Oliver, Ava and well, me.

Ava and I are currently preparing a banquet that consists of; Mexican Huarache, beef and veggies, lasagna, ground turkey with green beef, Biryani rice and some drinks, orange, mango, pineapple and mixed fruits. For the desert; pizza and ice cream.

"Everything is set?" I ask Ava.

"Yeah. We should be expecting them in five minutes." She answers.

"Okay. Let me go and change."

I decide to wear a sun dress with some gladiator sandals. I don't apply makeup but some lip gloss would do. Ava has already cleaned up and changed into some pants and a hoodie with sandals.

The doorbell rings, and Jace scampers inside with a big grin on his face.

"Howdy, ladies," he bows down dramatically, making us laugh.

"Howdy, Jace," Ava does the same.

We both embrace the little guy, as Everett and Elena make their way inside. Everett is carrying a bouquet of flowers on his hand.

I embrace Elena. "Welcome, Lena."

"Thank you, Lana."

I turn to Everett who has an unknown glint in his eyes. I embrace him.

His chest rumbles and I notice that he's laughing. "Missed me, no?"

I nod my head and smile at him.

"Beautiful flowers for a beautiful lady," my cheeks heat up, with the look that he's giving me.

"Thank you."

The doorbell rings, Marce, Caleb and Oliver stepping in.

I embrace the three of them and guide them inside.

"It smells so good in here, "Oliver says.

I chuckle at him. "Welcome, Oliver."

He's carrying a rose with him. " Mind telling me where Ava is?"

"Just head in the dining room, you'll find her there."

" Thank you, Al."

I lock the door then head to the dining room, and sit beside Everett. He squeezes my hand. Everyone is interacting, and my eyes are set especially on Ava and Oliver. I still think I've met Oliver somewhere. I'm shipping this two.

"I'd like to get your attention, please." I say.

It suddenly becomes quiet and I smile at them. "Thank you for gathering here on this important day. I'd like someone to volunteer and pray fo the meals. Anyone?"

"I'll pray," Everett says from beside me.


"Let's bow our heads for a word of prayer. Dear Heavenly Father, we are in your presence, humble and withholding nothing, saying thank you for this beautiful meal in front of us. You've provided for us, and You will provide for others too. We declare this food is blessed, and even as we take it, that we are blessed too. And even as we gather to talk about your goodness and faithfulness, let Your Holy Spirit guide us and intercede for us. For You said in your Word, that where two or others are gathered in your name, You are in the midst of them. Thank You Father, for it is in Jesus' name I pray, Amen."

A series of amens are heard. I'm so glad that Everett received Christ. The Holy Spirit was doing His work in Everett's life.

Ava and I serve the food and drinks, and after we are done eating, I bring the desert.

Everett stands up and turns towards us, more especially on Oliver.

"Okay, this thing has been eating me up. I do not want to experience it alone and I also want to say that I'm sorry."

He turns to Oliver and that's when I notice something very unusual. This cannot be!

"Oliver, I'm really sorry for keeping this from you. I was just so mad at you and at the world and at my father."

Oliver has a confused look on his face.

"Oliver, I am..."


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Ui ...another cliffhanger. What do you think Everett is about to say? Has Alana already figured out the unusual thing.


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