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The beautiful smell of coffee and cupcakes as I round the neighborhood, reminds me of home. I stop by at a Cafe, and Milan, the Cafe owner smiles as she sees me.

"Ah, there comes the Lion King of Campus." Milan squeals, running to embrace me.

A chuckle escapes me as I embrace her back. She sure makes my days whenever I pass by her mini-Java. We go to the same campus and take most of our courses together.

"I missed you too, Mil. Even though I saw ya yesterday," I wink at her.

Her cheeks redden, and I mentally aww at the sight. She's really pretty. Black hair with blue highlights, tanned skin and beautiful grey eyes that remind me of the storm.

"And he's staring." She giggles, tucking a strand of hair behind her ear.

She's truly a sight in the eyes of the beholder.

I give her a lopsided grin. "Well, I can't help it if you growin' more beautiful and beautiful each day I see you."

"Ah, you! Stop it. What can I get you today...the usual?"


I wait for my package while playing Candy crush. This game helps me reduce stress, and I can't help but feel proud of my current level

"Here ya go. This one is in the house, and plus you are a regular here...so..." Mil trails.

I give her a smile, and kiss her cheek. "Thanks, Mil. You are the best."

A smirk appears on my lips as I see her cheeks redden and she avoids eye contact.

"Y-you welcome. Send my love to Mr. and Mrs. Peterson."

"Will do."

I stick a hand in my pocket and walk out of the cafe, whistling softly.

I can feel the judging eyes of the neighbors boring on my back. The quiet whispers as I walk towards my parents' house.

I can imagine what they are telling their children. 'You see that kid? See how spoilt he is? It's because he got involved with bad company.' And another, 'that boy is bad news, Joey. Very bad news.' 'When he smiles at you, don't smile back, Jacky. Don't even wave at him. He doesn't deserve friendship. He's bad news.'

Bad news...huh!

I ignore the stupid stares and head to my parents. I don't bother knocking and head inside. Away from the deceitful stares.

"Troy. Is that you?" Mom's voice comes from upstairs.

I shake my head at her, even though I know she can't see me. She probably smelled the cupcakes.

"Yes mom. It's me." I answer back.

"Oi. Lemme finish folding this clothes, I'll be downstairs in a minute."

"Need any help, ma?"

"I'm almost done. Why don't you set those delicious cupcakes for me, eh? And make me some latte, will ya?"

"Yes, mother."

I wondered where dad was.

Moving on...I make some latte for my mom and keep her cupcakes on her favorite saucer. After I'm done, I continue playing the Candy Crush Saga.

Mom comes down after five minutes, and I roll my eyes at her. "One minute. Sure mom."

"Hey, a lady gotta do what she gotta do." She winks.

Sometimes my mom acts like an eighteen-year old teenager. For real. I like it especially when she speaks the slang language. Makes her seem more younger than her thirty eight years.

"I haven't seen dad around," I mutter.

"Oh, he's gone to help the Michaels' with their son's final funeral preparations."

My eyebrows rise in confusion. " Son? Which son? And how come I didn't hear of it?!"

Mom's eyebrow quirks upwards. "You haven't been visiting for a while, and Bryant passed away due to cancer."

"What! You're lying."

I refuse to believe that that sweet little boy just passed away. Bryant was my only friend in the neighborhood...and even though he was just sixteen, he was wise for his age. Lil' guy treated me like an equal and didn't judge me. Of course he was a Christian, and I liked him still.

He didn't let anyone intimidate him. Such a brave kid. And see why he died. Cancer? Because of freaking Cancer?

Was God punishing him because of being friends with a bad influence? A non- Christian? I hate to say this, but, bad news?

This even angers me. How can He? How can He let him die. Didn't Bryant's service to God matter at all?

The more the questions, the more angry I become. Why? Why did He let that happen?

Why why why!?

"It was God's will, Troy. So make a stop to those billion questions running through your mind." Mom slowly says.

It's as if she's talking to a little child.

I scoff. "Damn God's will! Bryant didn't do anything wrong. He was an obedient boy, wasn't he? He was one of you. And look how he's ended up. Six feet under because of Cancer."

"All things worketh for good to those who are in Christ Jesus, Troy."

"Well....I can see how good things worked for the Michaels', mom!"

I stand up and head towards my room. I needed a smoke.

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