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So far, life has been great. Everett and I talk most of the time, although the talk about how the last Sunday was is forbidden.

I try to bring it up, but he snaps at me every darn time! So, we decided it would be a closed topic. I learned that Everett has a little brother named Jace. How cute is that?

I can imagine how the small guy looks. Does he have Everett's features, or does he look completely different? I'm curious.

Although judging from Everett's good looks, I'm sure Jace looks quite handsome too. After all, good genes seem to run in that family.

Everett is picking me up within twenty minutes. I don't know where he is taking me, and when I ask, he says and I quote, 'we are going to meet someone special to me.'

I'm still wondering who that 'someone special to him' is. Is it his mother? Or maybe his cute brother. I don't know...well...I'm about to find out.

I sit patiently in the living room as I wait for him. I decide to call Ava. Don't give me that look, like I said before- us girls gotta talk.

She picks up after the second ring. "Hello."

"Ava. How are you doing?"

"I'm doing great, Al. What's up?"

"I'm doing great too, thanks fo asking."

She giggles. "Sorry, Al. I know you have not just called me to ask how I have been. Okay. Spill."

That's when I explode.

"Everett is taking me somewhere."

"Oh, your relationship seems to be sprouting more and more while I'm becoming a grandma."

I laugh. "Quit with the jokes, Ava."

"I want grandchildren sooner than later."

I giggle, "Oh please. Quit that, you are embarrassing me."

"Quit what?" A different voice asks, causing me to jump in fright.

It's Everett. And he's beside me.

"How did you get in? Were you here the whole time?" I glare at him.

The guilty smile he gives me makes me want to facepalm.

"You were here the whole time? Oh my God, I'll strangle you."

He smiles at me. " Is that the only thing you'll do?"

I blush. "Don't you dare go there."

He rolls his eyes and dramatically imitates me. "Don't you dare go there. Blah blah blah."

"Helloooooo! Al? As much as I adore your puppy love, I don't have to hear your bantering." Ava screams.

"Sorry, Ava. Gotta go, Everett's here."

"Aha, when I said puppy love I meant you two. I mean, of course he's there."

"Bye, Ava."

"Hit me up soon."

I cut the call and turn towards Everett.

"Oh, Evie. What will I do with you?"

He glowers at me. "Don't call me that!"

"Aw...is that making you mad, Evie?"

He pinches the bridge of his nose then lets out a sigh. " Can we just go? I'm not in the mood of arguing right now."

I must have pushed his buttons so far. The guys has anger management issues!

"Okay. Let us."

We've been driving for too long, and some minutes later. We stop at the hospital.

My heart is pounding so fast, I can hear it from my ears. Why are we in hospital?

I give Everett a questioning glance, and he shrugs. We walk inside the hospital and gets registered on the front-desk.

"Ah, Everett. So good to see you," the cheerful secretary says, "I see you have brought someone with you."

He gives the lady a soft smile. "Yes, I have. Is he awake?"

"Yes. And cheerful. You may go and see him now."

I'm confused. See who?

I follow Everett as we enter a kid's ward. I'm more confused than ever.

"Everett, what are we doing here?"

"Meeting-oopmh!" A body collides with him, and they both fall.

"Evie!" The little boy screams.

Aaw, how adorable! That must be Jace. They both get up, Jace clinging on Everett's waist. I can't help but notice how unfamiliar they look. They don't look alike.

Turns out that I really don't know Everett that much, and what I knew were only the basics.

Turns out that I really don't know Everett that much, and what I knew were only the basics

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Chapter 12 is here. It's more of a cliffhanger, but we'll get to know more about Everett's family. Though some things will will be revealed as the story progresses.

All said and done, don't forget to vote, comment and share.(◕ᴗ◕✿)

Gracefully Broken(Everett's Story)✓The Story I'll TellWhere stories live. Discover now