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"You'd never believe what happened, " I blurt out, telling Ava.

"You'd never guess what happened too. The cops found Troy!"

I roll my eyes. "That's what I wanted to say."

"Well," she smirks, "I beat you to it."

"There's another thing."

She raises a brow. "And that is?"

"He actually handed himself in."


"He was here, early in the morning."

"You're lying."

"Nope! He was so tired, Ava. He wanted to make things right . He wanted to know who Christ is."


"Yeah, wow. He's now a new being."


So, today is the day our second term starts. I'm really hoping that Everett will join our table and lose his bad boy façade. It would be awesome.

Come to think of it, everyone close to Everett is born again except him. Even his arch enemy got born again. Surprising, I know. But God works in mysterious ways.

I decide to wear a long chiffon dress, with some sandals. I tie my hair into a shaggy bun then take my car to school. Ava has late classes- how lucky!

I changed my business class timetable. I'd be attending it on the mornings. So the first class I have is business.

I leave my car parked, and meet up with Everett on the hallways. He's alone, having a lost look on his face. But it immediately changes when he sees me. I feel special.

"Hey," I embrace him.

He chuckles. "Missed me?"

"Oh please! You should have seen your face when you saw me."

He smirks. "Or maybe I was looking at someone behind you."

I pinch him. "See your life!"

"Already did, and you are in it."

I blush ten times darker than the reddest tomato. He smirks when he sees my face. That annoying beautiful smirk.

"I liked you better when you had broken bones," I tease.

He clutches his heart feigning pain. "You wound me alot."

He walks me to my class. "See you during break?"


Business class becomes a little bit boring because we were learning the basics of economy.

As soon as it ends, I run upto Everett's class. He immediately spots me and starts laughing.

"You missed me so much that you had to come to my class for me?"

I chuckle. "Not really. Let's go do our usual Bible Study."

"Or, we can just go somewhere and just chill."

"I see what you trying to do, Evie. Not gonna happen.",

He pouts. Aww!



"Fine. Let's go to the cafeteria."

We walk there and find a seat near the windows. I take out my Bible and an extra Bible that I bought him.

"You know, Troy got born again."

He snorts. "Yeah, right!"

"For real. And now you're the only one remaining. We need to get serious, Evie."

He blows out an exaggerating breathe. "Okay, what book are we starting with?"

"John 14:6. Jesus is the way, the truth and the life. No one comes to the father but by me."


"Jesus is the only way to heaven for several reasons. Jesus was chosen by God to be the Savior. Jesus presented himself as an object of faith. He said His words are life. He promised that those who believe in Him will have eternal life. Eternal life in Heaven is made possible only through Christ."

"So, you mean the only way to heaven is through Jesus?"


"But why do I need him?"

"Because you do. You cannot do anything without Him. Whatever you're doing now, it's because of Him. The way you're talking right now, it's because of Him."


Leave it to Everett to be a hardhead

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Leave it to Everett to be a hardhead. Anyways....vote comment and share.

Gracefully Broken(Everett's Story)✓The Story I'll TellWhere stories live. Discover now