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Everett drops me to my place. I'm ready to get out of the car when he stops me.



"I'm sure my mom told you everything that I couldn't, right?"

I nod my head.

"I hope you understand that I cannot be mended. I'm just so broken, that I cannot be repaired."

"But I can help you."

"You can."

"Well, that's nice-"

"But I don't want you to. I don't want to be mended. I want to stay this way. I'm happy this way."


"Goodnight, Al."

"Goodnight too. Thank you for this day. I enjoyed your surprise."

"Your welcome."

"Bye Evie."

He snickers. "Bye, Lana."

I chuckle and walk to my apartment. Today's been a really great day, and I'm so tired. Tomorrow I would do some shopping and apply for a new part-time job so as to help Everett's family. I'd do anything to help them.

I take a quick shower, wear my clothes then prepare to go to bed. I say a quick prayer then immediately, I'm carried away to slumber land.

* Next day...

"Hello, I want to apply for a job at your cafe." I say through the phone.

"What entry, ma'am?"


"Oh, perfect timing. When would you like to start?"

"As soon as possible, Sir."

"Is tomorrow good for you?"

"Yes, Sir."

"Your name, ma'am."

"Alana Brooks."

"See you tomorrow."

"Thank you, Sir."

I squeal with happiness. Now I got the job. Sometimes I look up and smile then say, "I know that was you, Lord. Thank you."

I wear my ankle boots and my oversized hoodie since it's snowing outside. I take my wallet so as to go for some shopping.

I decide to call Ava. Maybe I'd spend some time at her place or better yet, have a sleepover there.

"Hello?" She answers.

"Hey, you up for some shopping?"

"I was even about to call you. Meet you at Walmart?"

"Sure. I've just gotten out of my house."


I decide go with an Uber. The drive to Walmart is kinda long but we make it in time. Ava is already there.

"Ava," I wave.

She smiles at me, as we embrace. "It's been long, Al."

"I saw you the day before," I roll my eyes.

"Yeah, but it's been long. You've been so busy with Everett that you can't find some time to visit your bestie?"

"Well...hehe... speaking of Everett, I gotta lot to tell you. You better buy many tissues because it will be a weeping session."

"That bad?"

"You'll cry buckets of tears."

"Oh. Let's finish this then. I can't wait to hear what you have to say."

I buy some veggies and snacks with some drinks. I see a cute Marvel doll and I decide to buy it for Jace. He said that he loved marvels because he wanted to be a superhero and save the world from diseases. (This is an aww moment) I literally cried when I heard him say that. That kid is just so cute, I think I'm going to buy him all the toys that can I see.

I buy some Marvel dolls, toy cars and some balloons. I also order a black forest cake for Elena. I would pick it the next day.

After shopping, Ava and I drive to her house in her car. I decide to sleep over, and it's an advantage because I have some clothes at hers.

"Okay. Tell me now." Ava says eagerly, with a packet of tissues near her.

She took my words seriously.

"Okay, this is how it started..."


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I didn't want to repeat the whole story, so I left it there. We all know what happened to Everett and Elena. And oh, cute Lil Jace.

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