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I'm nervous. I'm seated on the  couch, waiting for Everett to arrive. And keep in mind, this is the first time I have woken up so early. Miracle, I know.

The doorbell rings, and I stand up. Taking huge breathes, I walk to the door and open it.

Shocked. Flabbergasted. Amazed. Awed. Lucky. This is what I'm feeling right now as I look at Everett. Can he be any more hotter than he is already?

"Hey," my voice comes out like a squeak.

He brushes the huge bangs of hair covering his eyes aside and gives me a crooked smile. I'm melting into my mom's chocolate pudding.

"Hey, Alana."

'Please, say my name again.' but of course I say this in my head. I tell you his aim is to kill me.

"Hey." Why does my voice sound squeaky like a rat's?

"You look...lovely." He smirks.

I must have blushed ten times darker than my original shade. There's just something about that smirk and look that he is giving me, that makes me feel like I'd run around like a mad woman shouting his name.

"Thank you. You too."

He gives me a knowing smirk.

"I mean, you cleaned up nice. You look handsome."

Talk about embarrassment!

"A pink rose for a beautiful lady," he says as I take the pretty Rose from his hand and insert it in my vase.

"Thank you. Shall we?"

"We shall."

He takes my hand in his, and leads me to his Jeep. I feel like a bride right now.

I take a seat on the passenger's seat, and lock my seatbelt. He gets on his seat and after a few minutes, we drive away.

"Where are we going?" I ask excitedly.

Everett chuckles. "If I tell you then that won't be a secret."

"Pretty please." I whine.

"Not telling you, Alana."

Ha. My name sounds like a song coming from his mouth.

The environment which we pass through is filled with trees beside the roads. It looks like we are entering deep into a forest.

I look at Everett, only to find a teasing smirk on his face.

"Are you planning to kill me and dispose my body around this place?"

He laughs. "Relax. You'll love the place."

The drive seems long, and I almost fall asleep. We stop beside a road and leave the car there.

All the time, Everett clutches my hand when we walk. The smell of Earth and flowers fill my nostrils and I squeal in excitement.

"C'mon, let's run towards our destination." Everett whispers.

We run all the way to wherever he was leading me to. The zeal and excitement fill me because, I've always loved nature.

There's a spring gushing water from the top and I stare at it in awe. God created everything so perfectly, so beautifully- I just feel like crying.

The date goes on well, I get to know him, and although he's broken, a huge part of him is whole.

"I dare you to take off the mask of perfection and show up as you are. Feel the freedom, the lightness. Because when we are real, that's when we actually heal. And those around us might just heal too." I murmur as we watch the stars.

" I don't know if I can do that, Alana. But it's a dare, and I take dares seriously. So..."

"That's nice. Perfection is found in accepting your imperfections."

"And like I said before, sometimes imperfect things should be left untouched. They cannot be mended."

But I believe we are all beautiful in God's way. Anyone can find the dirt in someone. Be the one who finds the gold.

 Be the one who finds the gold

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God bless you all, and I want to say that I'm planning to make this book a series. Not of the same characters, but different titles. Enjoy(◕ᴗ◕✿)

Gracefully Broken(Everett's Story)✓The Story I'll TellWhere stories live. Discover now