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"Cervical cancer is a genetic disease among the females of our family. That was what caused Hailey's death." Elena says.

"Who is Hailey?" I ask.

"Oh, Everett's mother. He didn't tell you?"

Everett's mother? But I thought Elena is Everett's mother! She must have seen the look on my face because she bursts out laughing.

"Oh dear! I'm Everett's aunt, but since Hailey died, I've been taking care of him as my own."

"When did Hailey die?"

"She died when Everett was only three years old, and when she was twenty three."

Oh, that's my age!

"I can imagine how hard it was for you, I'm sorry."

"It was harder for Everett though. Hailey was his only parent. So losing the only person you cherish hurts the most."

"What happened to his father?"

"Hailey got Everett when she was barely an adult. The father was afraid of responsibilities, so he ran away. He disowned his girlfriend and child. Hailey decided to cut all ties with him and went to Chicago to live there. That's where I used to live too. I took her under my wing until Everett was born. When she died, I decided to come here, because that place brings very many painful memories."

"I still don't understand, where's your husband?"

"He died of a heart attack."

I'm aware of the tears that are streaming down my face right now. How can someone go through all this? How can God allow all this to happen?

"But away from this painful memories. You see, Jace is a miracle baby. I had been barren for five years, and had no hope of having a child. I mean, with me having cancer, I couldn't bare one. I remember how I prayed to God everyday. I used to read the book of Samuel- how Hannah used to pray to God for a son. I felt like my life had a connection to Hannah's, except that she wasn't suffering from cancer," she jokes, "But anyway, we were connected in some way. God heard my prayers and an year  later, Jace was born."

"Aw, that's so good."

"Yeah," she laughs, "My husband and I were so happy. But somehow, good things don't last for long. Nick died of a heart attack, while my little boy got a heart problem."

She gives a bitter laugh. "Just when I thought everything would be alright. Everett passed through a lot. That's all I can say. He started working at a young age..."

Elena wipes away her tears, but more keep streaming down her face. I embrace her fragile body. She is so fragile, that I'm scared that I might break her. Physically, of course.

"We don't have anything. He's the one who helps us. I'm aware that he gets himself involved in illegal business, but that's how he provides for us. He's broken. Broken beyond repair. But only you can help him. Only God can help him. Sometimes I'm angry at God for allowing this to happen, but just like He said in his word, all things happen for a reason. All things will work out for my good in the end, because he's intentional and never failing."

"Yeah. And He breaks us all gracefully and shows us His mercy. He's caring though even if He allows us to pass through hardships."

"I want you to promise me one thing, though."

"What is it?"

"You'll take care of my sons, especially that big guy," I giggle, "You'll help him see the light. Help him to be gracefully broken like you. I have tried but all this situations make him so hardheaded."

"Don't worry, I will."

"Thank you. Please go and call them, I need to see my sons."

"Yes, ma'am." I salute causing her to chuckle.

I find Everett reading a story to Jace. It's an aww moment. Everett looks up to me (no pun intended), and smiles at me.

"You done?"

"Yeah. She wants to see you two."


"But wait."

He gives me a questioning look.


Jace squeals, causing me and Evie to laugh.

"Okay. Say cheese."

He does and damn! Does the pic look nice. I stare at the picture of us three and I can't help but feel warm inside.

I have a new family.

I have a new family

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And isn't lil Jace just so adorable? Aw, and Evie too.

Peace out and pray.(◕ᴗ◕✿)

Gracefully Broken(Everett's Story)✓The Story I'll TellWhere stories live. Discover now