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"Please stop crying. Ava please."

She continues sobbing despite my pleas.

"How can I stop crying?" More sobs. "How!"

I roll my eyes. She's acting like a drama queen right now.

"That's just so sad. How can someone go through all that? How?"

And more sobs. I think I'm getting a migraine. I shouldn't have told her about Everett's family. I'm mentally facepalming.

"I've had enough, Ava! You better stop this pity party or else...!?" I shriek.

She glares at me. "You did your part. Now let me do mine."

I regret telling her that I cried. Now how I'm I going to make her stop? Ava is one of those people who cried like dying walruses...no offence. And her cries right now were making my ears bleed.

"Tomorrow I'm going to work, " I say out of the blues.

Immediately, she stops weeping and sniffles instead. "Work? But we're still in campus."

"I know. I'm doing this for Everett and his fam."

"What work will you be doing?"

"Performing songs in a cafe. I also want to sign up for some cashier work."

"That's nice. I also want to help too."

I give her a curious look. "How?"

I mean she is a great designer and let's not forget that she comes from a loaded family. Her father is the mayor of our town!

"I'll get some good doctors in the country for Elena and Jace. Then I'll have them transfered in a better hospital."

I squeal at her idea. "Oh you're the best, Ava. That's so nice of you."

But my joy is short-lived. "Won't your parents mind?"

"Of course they won't mind. I'm doing part of God's work, remember? Anyway, the point is they won't mind. This is what I want to do and I'm set on it. Now wipe that frown off your face and smile."

And I do just that. I smile so big that I think my face is going to crack. I'm so happy to have such a friend. I can't wait to see the look on Everett and Elena's faces.

"You know what we should do? Next time when I go to the hospital, you should come too. You gonna love Elena and oh my God! Jace is so cuteeee!"

"Does he look like Everett?"

"Nope. You remember they are not biological brothers."

She sighs. "I wish I could have my own Everett."

"Oh... don't worry. Mr. Right is just around the corner."

"But he's taking so long." Ava whines and I decide to tease her.

"Maybe he's coming on a tortoise."

She fake-glares at me. "You better take that back or else..."

I smirk. "Or else what? Hit me with you best."

And that is how the pillow fight of the century started.


"Do you have anything to do with the transfer of ma and Jace?" Everett says through the phone.

"Hello to you too, Evie. How are you?"


I always like it when he says my name like that.


"I asked you a question."

"Okay, jeez! I might or might not have anything to do with what you have just asked."

Is it weird that I could feel his glare through the phone?


"Okay. I prove guilty, but it's really Ava's doing. I'm sorry that I didn't tell you. I just wanted for it to be a surprise. You know I want-"

He chuckles. "Al. Your blabbering."

"Yeah yeah."

"Thank you."

"You aren't mad."

"I needed help with that. Thank you."

I breath out a sigh of relief. "You're welcome."

"I like you."

Wait. Wait. Let me rewind what he has just said. He likes me. He likes me!

Oh my God! One step closer. Zero steps back. How awesome!

"Told you that you would fall for me soon." I tease.

"Oh please. I hope it's worth it though."

"I'm the best."

"Sure you are. Ma and Jace sent their greetings. See you soon."

"Yeah. Goodnight."


I fall face first on the bed and squeal. "He likes me."

"I heard that!" Ava shouts from the other room.

"Goodnight Ava. Thank you. You're the best!"

"What took you so long to realize?"

I chuckle. Only Ava.

I stare at the ceiling, and mutter a short prayer. "You did it Lord, and you have done it again. Thank you."


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It's really fun working on Everett's story, and isn't Ava the best? I just love her.

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And a special message from Everett. 'If you went through the same thing as I did, please share this story. Let it touch hearts. Find your own Alana to lead you to Love.(◕ᴗ◕✿)

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