Chapter 2

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In the evening, purple, pink and orange in the sky became a fantasy scenario.

There were five people discussing their school project about making their school model in a pavillion that planted white daisies around it.

"There! Is it look realistic?" Hadley showed the model of small white bench and let them give it a comment.

" I think it looks more like a table more than bench." Isla laughed. Jasper nod his head as he agree with Isla.

"Scott, what about you?" Hadley turned at him and asked him. But Scott didn't give her any response.

"Scott? Are you alright?"

" ... ..." Scott was the only one who didn't give any comment. He looked like he is thinking about something deeply.

" Do you think ... ...the school is haunted?" He suddenly asked them.

"Pft, I don't think that's true! Those are just boring person who rumor at it. " Isla said.

"Why do you said that?" Pamela asked curiously.

" The school seems not normal! It feels like something wrong and weird. I sometimes feel like someone are following me, but when I look around, no one's there! "

"Moreover! I keep hearing group of people are murmuring something else and notice weird symbols everywhere! Do you guys also have same experience about it?"

"... ..." Everybody were silence and thought he was weird today.

"Actually, about the school is haunted, I also have the experience same like this." Jasper said. Everybody was shock and turned the attention to him.

" What is it?" Hadley looks interested about it and wanted to hear his story.

"It happened at this year, the first day of school. My sister and I are in a corridor that less people go through. Suddenly, my sister say she heard someone crying. I first don't hear it, but when I realized, a ghost appear on us."

"!!!" Everybody were trembling with fear. Hadley and Isla hugging each other to reduce their fear. Scott looks shock and feel bad at it.

"We then ask him what he want to do, but he just say want to leave here. Then, he vanished. Everything goes fine."

" Oh no! So, do you mean Scott is true?" Isla said with a trembling sounds.

"That is enough. We are going to continue our work, not talking ghost story!" Pamela was afraid too but she tried to calm down and pretend she wasn't. She stoped their conversation and told them to continue their work.

"I am sorry if I scared you all." Jasper apologies. At the same time, he noticed Scott became dazed.

" Are you okay? You feel unwell today." He asked Scott. Scott didn't give him any reaction to him.

"Scott?" He taped him.

"... ..."

"Scott!" He shaked him and get louder his voice. Scott finally being awaked and looked at him.

" Do you need some rest, Scott?" Isla asked.

" If you are sick, you can tell me. I can take you to the Nurse Office." Pamela said.

"No! I don't need them!!!" He stand up and said agitated. Everybody shocked for a while and looked at him confuse.

" I... I am just exhausted. " Scott don't face at them and said tiredly.

Pamela said "... Then, you can go have some rest at dorm room. Should you need Jasper to go with you?"

Scott shaked his head and leave here quickly.

"... I feel worried about him. What happen to him?" Isla said.

"Maybe he just tired, like he said." Hadley sigh. "Hope he will be fine after that."

They kept their things and leave the pavillion.


It is night, Scott didn't go back to his dorm room. He was sitting on the stair case and handing a soda.

" What am I doing? I feel so abnormal ." He sighed and sip soda.

"Luckily, I can transfer to another school tomorrow... ... Then, I can leave this horrible place."

All of a sudden, he heard a foot steps. It shock him and he shout "Who is it?"

He stood up and turn around to look for it. However, it was just his echoing and no one are there.

" Show yourself! Don't be a coward! Why you always follow me? That's enough!" He kept shouting and move backward.

Then, he feel like he is pumping something behind.

"Finally!" Scott turn around and want to see the person's appearance. Still, he see nothing.

Scott was afraid. He wanted to run. He wanted to open the door and leave here. However, the door was locked.

"How strange!" Scott was struggling open the door. "How does the door shut itself?"

"Hello? Is someone out there?" He start to bang it and scream for help. "Someone! Help me!"

Nobody answered.

Scott squat and murmuring                     "What... ... What should I do?" He look at the door and call for help again
"Help! Someone help me!"

"Is there any other exit? Or other way out?" He looked around for it.

"...Ugh, how long is there doesn't cleaning? My nose is tickle." He covered his nose with his hand and sneezing.

"Bless you."

"???!!!!" He is shocked and doesn't have the courage to look who is here.

"Come and find me~ "

"No!!! I don't wanna! Help! Someone help me!"  Scott was trembling with fear and keep knock the door.

"Come and find me, I am here~"

"No! Stop it!"

The sound keep echoing. He can't handle it anymore and run around to find another exit.

Unfortunately, whenever he go, he found out he is end up in the same place.

The sound become more and more. Scott is scratching his face like crazy.

"Ahh!! Please stop it! I won't tell anyone about it anymore!!!!!"

But the sound keep echoing and it won't stop.

"... ... Is it my retribution come? Is is what I deserve it?" His face is bleeding after scratching.

He smiled and shake his head "No matter what, I just wish I could leave here."

He walked backward and fell down on the staircase.

It hits his head...

And the head is bleeding quickly...

He doesn't breath anymore.

"Bless you. Hehehe."

Winterville Academia Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora