Chapter 1

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It's summer. It means it will have a holiday soon! Most of the peoples will think that.

"Okay,class. That's all for now. " A man in a white scarf talking in the classroom in front of the pupils.            " Today is my last day of school. You will have a new teacher to teach you English after the summer holiday."

The man name Frank. He always wear a white scarf so some of the people call him "Scarf Teacher". He is a teacher in training so he is no longer stay here.

Most of the girl student are frustrated. One of the girl walk to the Scarf Teacher and said " Oh, we will miss you!"

"Ya! Can you stay here? " Another girl talk to him sadly.

Frank smile to them " I also miss you all too. Unfortunately, I can't stay here. I need to leave here tomorrow."

A male student in purple hair sigh, shake his head " Why you both such a drama? We can communicate each other in phone, right? "

Both of the girls is upset, they turn to face him and scold " Shut up. Is it wrong of missing him? "

After they finish, the bell ring. Everyone are packing up their things on their table, ready to leave.

A student suddenly said it loud to the teacher " Wait. Does our principal told us every teacher to give homework to you guys?"

When he is talking, some of the people that are leaving the classroom are pull back by students from classroom. Most of the pupils are sighing and upset when he said that.

The Scarf Teacher look around outside the classroom. He then whisper to all of them " I know you guys have  works from other teachers. It feels stressful, right? "

"So, since I gonna leave here, today I didn't give you any homework. Take your time to finish your works and pay attention to your extracurricular activities."

"Yeah!!!" Students are as happy as a lark. Some of them clap their hands. But some other pupils realizes they are too loud and tell them keep quiet so he doesn't get notice by headmaster.

The Scarf Teacher smile again " That's all for today. Happy Holiday, everyone. I love you."

As most of pupils leave here, the purple hair student name Thomas walk towards Morraine. "Morraine, could you do me a favor?"

Morraine turn to face him. He then give her a book" Could you help me to print these? I have an extracurricular activity later."

Morraine shake her head to refuse. " I later have it too. I don't have time to do it."

"... ..." He is speechless about it. "Maybe I will do it ASAP. This is urgent and I need it today... ..."

Soon, he found a man in blue hair is keeping his things. He seems like found someone to help him. He then go to him and ask " Hey, Kyler. Are you free? "

Kyler nod and see what does he want. He hand it to him and tell him " Then, help me please. Help me to print page 259 until 261. Thanks,bro."

After school, Kyler is back from library. He is heading to boy's dorm room to put it in his room.

Or should I need to give him later?  Kyler is think about it. I don't know is it safe if I put in his room... ...

Just then, a group of big boys gather at him suddenly. Kyler is shock and nervous. Those boys smug and chuckles.

"Hey, loser." A boy name Tom push him and said. " Is time to give us some money. Tell me, where is it?"

Kyler don't look at them and said nervously " I... I run out of them... ..."

"You say what?! " Dick, a thin man is furious. " Loser, you have a week don't pay for us. I think we are too kind to you if we doesn't beat you to death! "

Harry, a chubby boy nod " Yeah! If you don't have any money, then hand in anything valuable! For example... ..."
He look around him to see if anything on him is looks valuebe. "This watch!!!"

Harry grab Kyler 's watch. Kyler wants to stop them. He push them with all his strength but this doesn't work for him. Harry is smug as he success and look at it.

"Hey, it looks cheap! " Dick is unsatisfied with it. Harry face at him and said " At least it is valuable. Look at this brand! It looks like he is not poor as we thought!!"

They then laugh at him and the fat boy keep it in his pocket. Kyler started cry but he try to not. " Give it back to me! This is from my father!!!" He rush and want to grab it from his pocket.

"Hey! What are you doing! Go away!" Harry punch him on his face. Kyler is unbalanced and fell down on the floor.

Dick look at his face and tease " Oh! Look at this crybaby! Should I give you a tissue? "

"Wah,wah,wah!!!!" They both laugh out loud. Kyler can't control it anymore. His tears fell out. He cover his face to not let them see it.

Tom is look at those papers that Kyler help to print. He shake his head and said "How boring! It just some shit. I thought is anything interesting... ..."

When he finish his sentence, he tear those papers into pieces and throw up. Kyler wants to stop it but it's too late.

"Maybe you can burn it all if you want ! Hahahahahaha!!!" Three of boys finally walk away.

Kyler can't help. He is still sitting on the floor and none stop crying.

"Why does it all become like that? " Thomas is surprise and look at those teared papers that just stick it all with cellphone tape.

Kyler is feeling guilty " I... I am sorry. It being destroyed... by.... By a stray dogs. I want to print again but don't have any money left."

Thomas sigh. He shake his head " Maybe I just need to copy all of them. It shouldn't need much time."

"No! I can help you print it again! That is too waste time. I can help you."

"That's fine, Kyler. You already do your best. " Thomas pat his shoulder and said. Kyler just look at the floor and say nothing. He still feeling guilty about it.

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